Chapter 2

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I had just woken up to my screaming alarmy. I pulled myself out of bed and into the shower. After ten minutes of scrubbing i change into some clothes.

I took my laptop and searches about the Bulgarian restaurant and its location .
I hacked into the nearest CCTV cameras to survey the area if suitable for me to go ,he just had men dotted around probably for protection.
I tracked the guy and searched him up,Donovan Mani, quite an interesting name .
I logged out from what I had been doing earlier and exited my apartment.
I passed through Starbucks and ordered a coffee .
In a distance the Bulgarian restaurant was visible and I could see a black haired guy sitting inside .
I increased my pace and entered the restaurant.
I carefully approached his table but his back was facing me and my phone started to ring ,I checked it and it was him calling .
He looked back at me for and moment and turned back to whatever he was doing.
"Donovan Mani I'm here for the meeting" I said.
"You must be mistaken" he said bluntly.
I got irritated and sat in the chair in front of him .
"I am the one you called yesterday " I said .
"I talked to a guy yesterday " he said .
I looked him straight in the eyes .
He was a bit amused with the action.
"Donovan I am the one who answered your phone call last night my voice was a bit groggy that's all" I said to him.
"Okay how do you know how I look like?"
he said .
"Don't be silly I'm not called the Sicopath for nothing" I said.
He just nodded.
"Let's talk business now" I said.
"Okay but first let's order lunch" he said as the waiter approached us.
I ordered a chicken stir fry and salad and he took the steak and fries.
"Is that all ?the boy said to us more likely me .
" and orange juice "I said and Don took wine instead.
" So who do you want me to kill?" I asked him.
"My uncle " he simply said .
"Please elaborate" I told him.
"Dave Mani is my uncle he took my fathers life "he said cutting the story short.
Not wanting to go further I just nod.
The waiter comes with our orders and we eat as we discussed the arrangements.
As the waiter came with the bill I took it first and as I was about to reach for my wallet Don snatches it.
"I was about to pay"I said sternly.
"I knew that but I can't allow you to pay "he replied.
"Fine"I said not wanting to go further.I stood up as he followed suit."Thank you for the lunch sir"I said.
"You are most welcome,do you need a ride home?"he asked.
"No, I will walk"
I quickly walked out not wanting anymore of the dry conversation.

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