Time Waster # 42 -- The Really Lame Rescue

Start from the beginning

Zack: She’s trying to get us to break up with our gf/bf, then get us together.

Cheyenne: Well... It’s not a bad idea.

Zack: So what, you agree with her?

Cheyenne: Well, I agree with the tactic. Not sure I really agree with it happening to us, though.

Zack: It’s kinda like a blind date, though. Except we know each other.

Cheyenne: Right. And it was more forced.

Zack: Yeah...  

Cheyenne: Okay so... What do we talk about?

Zack: How long do you think she’ll keep us in here for?

Sophia: Til you’re all coupled differently! It’s pretty obvious you aren’t happy with each other!

Alfred: That’s slightly true...

Cheyenne: WHAT!?

Alfred: Oh don’t even! I heard what you said about Sophia’s idea!

Cheyenne: Touché, my friend. Touché.

Sophia: So Cheyenne, what was one thing you didn’t like about Alfred?

Cheyenne: He wasn’t very manly.

Alfred: HEY!

Sophia: And Alfred? Anything you didn’t like about Cheyenne?

Alfred: She doesn’t like to hang around me in public because of my criminal past. Even though I was only in jail once or twice – the main reason being when I helped kidnap Justin Bieber.

Cheyenne: Whoa, what!?

Alfred: It was part of a bet!

*Sal: Oh, you know you liked it!

Alfred: Shut up.

Sophia: Anyway... Zack, what’s one thing you didn’t like about Sal?

*Sal: You better watch it buddy.

Zack: Well that...

*Sal: Hey!

Zack: Well it’s true! And you’re kind of a nag. But I don’t mind the nagging too much!

*Sal: I’m not a nag!

Alfred: ...

*Sal: Oh shut up.

Alfred: I didn’t say anything!

*Sal: You were thinking it!

Alfred: *Shrugs* You know me too well.

Sophia: Awhhh!

*Sal: Can it, Prego.


*Sal: You heard me!

Alfred: What the heck Sal!? You know not to provoke the pregnant girl! She’ll kill you without hesitation! She’ll tear you apart!

*Sal: *Yawns* Big deal.

Alfred: *Looks at Sal weirdly*.

*Sal: What?

Alfred: Nothing...


Cheyenne: So Alfred, does this mean we’re breaking up?

Alfred: Well considering you don’t like to be seen with me in public, it might be a good idea.

Zack: So...

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