Chapter 48 : Come back to me baby

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This is pretty graphic, and it brings up some heavy topics. If you are triggered by the mention of : suicide / blood , I do not recommend reading this

The first lady lay spread out in the floor, her already pale skin nearly translucent...

" Oh Melania ! Baby ! What did you do! "

She knelt down next to her daughter, gazing in horror at the deep gashes that lined her thin wrists...

She took hold of one limp wrist, squeezing tightly to stop the flow. It didn’t help. The blood continued to flow from the wound and through the gaps of Amalia’s fingers, splashing onto the floor...

She heard footsteps in the corridor, she turned to find a shocked Kimberly, who's face turned pale at the horrifying scene in front of her

" Wha-what happened... Oh my god ! Amalia what happened to her ! "

Amalia cried : " I-I don't know Kim- o moj bog, moja uboga punčka " ( oh my god, my poor little girl )

Amalia’s breath started to come in short ragged pants. The bleeding wouldn’t stop. Blood flowed freely from Melania’s wounds washing over her  hands.

Kimberly dropped to the floor : " okay let's calm down okay, Amalia please calm down... Is- is she alive ? "

She touched her neck delicately feeling for a pulse, she sighed in relief : " there is a a pulse... But it's too weak ! I'm gonna ask for help " she said before running out of the room

Terror gripped Amalia  to her very core as she was forced to watch the life trickle in scarlet streams from her daughter’s wrists.

She barely noticed the tears that had started to drip down her cheeks as she forced herself to get to her feet.

Pull yourself together ! your daughter needs you... She screamed at herself,

Shakily, Amalia made her way to the bathroom, pulling the first aid kit from the shelf with trembling hands and tottering  back to where her daughter lay on unsteady legs.

She knelt again, closing her eyes for a moment to fight off the wave of nausea that enveloped her. Then she got to work, she had to try to keep her girl steady until the help arrives...

Carefully she sponged blood off her hands with a rag.

You can do this, Amalia... You can do this !

She leaned forward to get a better look at the gashes on Melania’s wrists. They were deep.... Too deep, and they were still bleeding heavily.

Kimberly was back, with Junior running by her side

" What- oh my god ! Oh no ! Is-is she alive ! " He said frantically

Amalia shot him a teary glare : " Of course she is ! She's going to be okay ! My daughter's not going anywhere ! "

Junior nodded feeling sorry for her, no mother should see her daughter in that state... He felt nauseous at all the blood on the floor, he caressed her hair wondering what the hell happened to her ! He never thought that she's capable of doing this to herself...

Kimberly sat on the floor, tears running on her face as she looked at Melania's pale face : " The help is coming... And Tony went to call Donald "

Amalia : " We can't wait for the damn help ! What's taking them so long ! "

Junior looked at her : " Wha-What are you doing ?! "

Amalia : " We have to try to stop the bleeding until the help arrives ! "

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