Chapter 26 : I love you to the moon and back

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30 March,

Melania was feeling better, she's back to her duties as first lady, today she's gonna visit kids at school,

She was getting ready, Julia was doing the last touches on her make-up and hair,

The door of her bedroom was opened, and Donald came in

Donald : Hey beautiful

Melania : Hey handsome, thank you Julia, you are the best as always

Julia smiled : Your beauty makes it easier for me madam

Donald : Well, you know She's a beautiful supermodel

Julia laughed : Yeah she is ! Have a nice day

As Julia left, Melania rolled her eyes at Donald, she hates when he calls her supermodel

Donald : Oh come on baby, we talked about that

Melania : Yeah, and I told you that I was hurt when people kept saying you married me for my body !

Donald : Come on honey, I choosed you to be my wife, cuz I love you

Melania leaned on him as he kissed her neck : Yeah I love you too

Donald : You're the most intelligent, kind woman I had ever seen, and your body is a bonus-

Melania : Go to hell !

Donald laughed and wrapped his arms around her from behind, as she was looking at herself in the mirror : I was just teasing you babe

Melania : Did I ever mention your wealth ? You know people keep saying I married you for money, but I never mention that, but you like tu talk about my body, knowing that people said you married me for it !

Donald laughed : Well, my wealth is nothing compared to your beauty madam

Melania moaned as he kissed her neck : Mhhm, I miss you so much

Donald : I miss you too baby, Do you have to go to that school today

Melania turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck : yeah I have to go baby, but I quick kiss can help me while I wait for the night

Donald : What's gonna happen tonight ?

Melania : Your supermodel is gonna spoil you

Donald : baby maybe we should wait more-

Melania : Hey, you're gonna fuck me tonight, I don't care about that fucking doctor ! We've been waiting for days Don !

Donald kissed her passionately on the lips, sh wrapped her arms around his nick as he held her waist

Stephanie came to the bedroom : Awhh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were here Donald !

Donald was getting bothered, everyone is walking around in there residency, Melania's security service, Amalia, Barron , his daughters and even this snake called Stephanie...

Melania : It's okay Steph, what it is it ?

Stephanie : umm yeah Melania, we should leave now, I'll be waiting for you outside

Melania : Okay

They watched as Stephanie left, Donald turned to Melania, and bit her neck

Melania : Hey what was that for !?

Donald : You're the most beautiful first lady America had ever seen

Melania smiled : Well thank you Mr President

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