Chapter 40 : The loss of his brother

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Melania was having breakfast with Stephanie, in her balcony, she missed her best friend so much,

" So how is the first lady doing ? "

Melania : " I'm good and you ? "

Stephanie : " My kids are driving me crazy... I had a crazy week with them, sometimes I wonder what the hell was I thinking about when I decided to have more than one kid ! "

Melania laughed : " Oh come on Steph, they are so cute... Besides they aren't that young anymore, and your husband is always helping you with them ! "

Stephanie : " Says the woman who has  given birth to one kid..."

Melania smiled : " Well... I wish I had more... Thank God Barron has his older siblings, but you know I always wanted a second child... Actually I wanted a little girl..."

Stephanie : " Oh shut up, you're so lucky for having one kid ! Besides your selfish husband didn't want more children... By the way, how are you doing guys ?"

Melania felt the tears forming in her eyes : " Oh Steph... Things got really bad between us... He found out about that night..."

" WHAT ?! REALLY ? " Screamed Stephanie

Melania nodded : " Yeah... He didn't take it well... He's so hurt... I literally broke his heart and his ego..."

Stephanie : " How did he know ? "

Melania : " Peter sent him some pictures of us, but he managed to cover his fucking face, so Donald doesn't know that it's him... That bastard promised me to not say anything about that night ! "

" The Son of bitch ! And what happened after that ? What did Donald do ? " Asked Stephanie impatiently

Melania : " He literally transformed into a madman... I had to stay in my residence for two weeks just to not let Barron see my bruises... But I can't stop feeling guilty... We were so happy before that fucking night "

" What the fuck ? He has the nerve to lay a hand on you for that ?  he broke your heart many times honey ! So don't feel bad for him ! Let him feel the pain you've been through ! " Said Stephanie

Melania shook her head : " But i still feel bad for him..."

Stephanie rolled her eyes at her friend : " Seriously Mel ? You're so stupid, you really need to learn how life is going ! Wake up sweet Tinkerbell ! He fucked several women while you were breastfeeding his son ! And you feel bad for a night with your hot Bodyguard ? "

Melania : " That bastard is back to work... And Donald keeps asking me about his name ! "

Stephanie : " You can't tell him... He will tortue him to death "

Melania : " Yeah I know..."

Stephanie : " I'm sorry sweetie, but I have to go, my son has an appointment with the dentist... I'll call you later "

Melania smiled as her friend : " Okay, bye Stephanie "


Melania was reading a book, when there was a knock on the door,

She rolled her eyes as Peter's stupid face appeared, is this man trying to make me a murderer ? Maybe i should give Donald his fucking name !

Peter : Hello sunshine !

" What is it ? " Spoke Melania

Peter : nothing i just miss my beautiful girlfriend

" WHAT ? EXCUSE ME ? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ? " Shouted Melania

Peter : " Well after our passionate night... What do you want me to call you ? Oh maybe you want me to call you my mistress ? "

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