A Change in Perspective: Orika Auxoriya

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Picture: Orika Auxoriya (left) and Hikari Samae (right)

Be honest. What sort of hero would you look up to? One that helps from the sidelines, or one in the field doing all the combat work? This is actually a question I've been asked by others and even myself. As absentminded as I usually am toward everything else, this question has bugged me since my elementary school years. In reality, background heroes such as construction workers, scientists, and doctors are hardly recognized compared to big pros with mega, butt-kicking powers. That is the way I see the society. I decided to become a hero, because I thought, 'Hey. Why can't someone be both?' Thus, my dream began.

Being the daughter of two doctors, I already had my medical basics down, along with a few of my siblings. You should see them though! My oldest brother is already out on his own, but he's already one of Japan's best doctors! My second oldest brother is more than likely gonna be the best pediatrician ever, probably due to his young mind that doesn't really seem to match his actual age. Brother number three, this one younger than me, is somewhat struggling with his studies, but he'll get there. Finally, the twins, while toddlers, are already showing so much interest in-! Hold up. I'm getting off topic. Where was I? Oh yeah, so it turns out, I'll be fighting-. No, wait. I'm not there yet. Wait! I remember.

I wanted to become a hero with friends to support my goal. Besides, 'no one is truly rich unless they got friends in their corner,' or however that saying goes. My family thinks I can do it, and why not? I know my bandages can do more than seal a cut, especially since I acquired some new accessories from a nice guy to give me some offense. I know my quirk is uncannily similar to one of my classmates, but at the same time, I think a few of my friend's quirks match some peeps' quirks from 1-B, so I can't really be judged here.

And today, my dream continues. Finals just happened, so now it's on to the practical. And guess what! We'll be fighting the teachers! What! Okay, I'm gonna admit, I'm downright terrified. Since I got my new weights, I've been training tirelessly the past couple days while studying for some basic hits to take down the robots we thought we were gonna face, but it's quite a challenge. I mostly only got into UA thanks to an unmentioned rescue category, but I'm grateful either way. Anyhoo, I thought the practical would be hard enough with robots, but now the teachers? Oh boy. The awesome news is, I got Samae as a partner, and he's stupid strong, so I just know we'll pass with our combined skills against Mr. Vlad King! So, the mentioned events bring us to now.

The two of us stand on one side of a large parking lot. I can hardly wait! It's all so exciting! I find myself bouncing on my knees in anticipation while my partner stares straight ahead. He doesn't look so happy, but I think he's just disguising his nervousness. I've been trying to discuss a plan with him over the first three matches until Seshin's and Tojuta's test, until I gave up and went to watch my friends. So, point being, we don't really have anything to follow. But that's perfectly fine! We can talk about it on the way. I play with my weights on the ends of my bandages as I wait.

Finally, a loud buzzer sounds, and a voice announces our test. "Team Samae and Auxoriya: Practical Exam. Ready? Go!"

Without a word Samae starts to march forward. Wait, where's he going? Does he think we can just walk on over to the goal? We gotta do something at least.

I jog to catch up with him and walk behind. Our opponent hasn't shown up yet, but I don't see the escape gate either, so I start talking. "Hey! Hey, Samae! D'ya have a game plan?"

He stays silent and keeps walking.

"No? Okay, cool! Cuz, I got an idea we can try! So, as I see it, there's no shadows anywhere really, and the best environment you can work in is a shady one. So I was thinking we can use what we have around us to create you a more suitable space to fit your quirk with as little property damage we can-."

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