Chapter 18: Dreams Come True

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According to the captain, I'm a fairly fast learner. Though the game is pretty difficult. It's hard to remember exactly how each piece moves. We first started a tutorial round where the captain handicapped me by not playing with his bishop or rook, and I still wasn't used to it. Suka flew in a few times and gave away Shipwreck's winning plays, but he ran out of brain power somewhere after helping me the fourth or fifth time. I just barely won that one with six pieces remaining, but the captain took it easy on me and said that since it was just a practice round, I wouldn't have to do the exercises I owed. He did challenge me to another game though, with no handicap. I didn't really have a choice, so I went with it. I ended up losing, so he sent me to the training room with First Mate for me to do my workout, which brings us to now.

18... 19... 20! I collapse on the wooden floor after doing a set of twenty pushups. I pant hard and sit up. I wave the collar of my white t-shirt to blow some air in my face. That's sixty; forty more to go.

"So what do you think of Shogi?" First Mate asks. She sitting on top of a pull-up bar she had heaved herself up to.

"It's definitely a challenge. And considering the fact that I gotta memorize all the moves I can, I gotta get better so I remember all of them right off the bat."

"Heh. I hear that. As the captain said, it relates to real life. You gotta know what you can and can't do before you do something stupid. This doesn't include fights, but other things and attitudes as well."

I slightly gasp and immediately reflect on how I reacted to everyone who asked about Dad. Gourds, I was a butt to that prison guard, Midoriya and Iida, who offered me a way of handling the situation: with a smile. I need to watch my attitude. I'm being a bad influence to those around me just cuz my problems got me feeling like trash.

"Every option has an outcome that also comes as an example. With every action you do, someone could be watching you, henceforth influencing them in some way. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that you not only gotta think about how the results will effect you, but everyone else as well. Surely as a little kid, you saw a hero and thought, 'I'm gonna be just like them when I grow up!'

I sit there a few seconds before simply nodding. "Yeah."

"There you go. Uh! Sorry! This just turned into a lecture! I didn't mean for that to happen."

"No, you've got a point. Every action sets me as an example, good or bad. I get it."

"Good." She sighs. "Alright, no more slacking off! You still got exercises to do!"

"Yeah yeah," I wave a salute and walk over to another pull-up bar.

Once I complete my exercises, I clean myself up in my quarters then make my way to another room of the place for lunch. Other workers at the agency either packed their own lunch or ordered something, but since I'm basically staying at the captain's home, he provides for my meals. By provides, I mean I get the already cooked ingredients to make something. For a place by the sea, it's strange that the meal doesn't rely on much fish. It's mostly cooked meat, clean vegetables, fresh fruits, and some other prepared stuff. I hardly know squat about cooking, so I simply take a plate and grab the three ingredients for beef 'n' leaf: beef, rice, and lettuce.

I take my food and a pair of chopsticks to a corner of the room and sit down. I use my utensils to assemble the meat and rice onto the lettuce and wrap it up.

"Is that all you got?" a voice asks. I look up to see First Mate walking to me and sit down with a bowl of ramen. "Just a Korean lettuce wrap?"

"Sup." I greet. "And yes. I can't cook, so I basically live off this."

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