Chapter 9: Combat Training Part 2

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Author's note: As promised, here's Kuiru Tojuta in his school and hero outfit along with more expressions. Please let me know what you think!

The matches continue, no one showing any mercy whatsoever. To be honest, they're not all as exciting as the first match, but it's kinda fun to see how these different quirks are used for the task given.

Finally, our match comes. To my disappointment, I'm on the Villain Team with Tojuta against Heroes Samae and Auxi. We all make our way to our starting positions and make our preparations. We choose the fifth out of the six floors of the building for our base, just in case the two decide to crash through the roof. Spaced vents line the top of the walls, providing the nice breeze in here. I'm still disappointed that I'm on the Villain team, determined to do good with my quirk. At the same time it's just a game-slash-training exercise.

"Alright!" Tojuta begins, bringing me out of my mental complaining. "How do you think we should play this?"

"I think Bakugo had a point," I reply. "Maybe getting the jump on them on their way will surprise them when they're not really expectant."

"So, one of us stays here to guard, or both of us go?"

I close my eyes and think to myself, going over all we know: We have a bit of an advantage. The heroes don't really know my quirk, but they surely know Tojuta's. At the same time, I know Auxi's quirk, and I have a pretty good guess as to what Samae's quirk is from what I've seen. Auxi's quirk is more of a Support than actual Mutation as she usually uses her bandages as healing, whereas just Samae's outfit alone makes him look like he can pack a punch. However, from what I've seen, Samae can sink into shadows, so he'll probably be the one coming to attack. That leaves Auxi either tagging along or falling behind. Tojuta can probably take Auxi, but not Samae.

"It's settled." I open my eyes. "I'm gonna stay here with the weapon. If I'm correct, Samae will come in first. I need you to patrol the building for Auxi and either buy some time before she comes or take her out."

"Uhhh..." Tojuta thinks for a bit. "I, uh, don't think I can cover all that ground by myself, let alone fight one of them."

"I guess you're right. Not that I don't have faith in you, but your call." I suddenly snap my fingers as if to come up with something. "I got it." I layer my hands then unfold them, summoning four flames in front of me as I move them. I then merge two to form a minion then do the same with the other set. Two ghost minions hover in front of me. I then summon my fifth flame in front of me and have the minions link to it in a way. "With my flames in this fashion, I can see what my minions are seeing. I'll send them to roam the halls as my own little monitors. If I see one of them, I'll let you know."

"Sounds like a plan." He nods. "So I'll go with one of them just in case."

All Might announces that the match with start in thirty seconds.

"Ooh!" Tojuta interjects. "Can I name the operation?"

Name it?? "Uhhh... sure..?"

"Okay. Operation: Haunted House is a go!"

Our audible teacher calls for the match to begin.

"I'll see ya around! Wish me luck!" With that, Tojuta runs off with his selected ghost buddy. I send my goons out as I think over the name. Hm. 'Haunted House.' Makes sense, I guess.

I peer down into my flame in my hands and watch the split vision. I feel like a security guard, glancing back and forth between the two moving cameras' screens. I try to pay extra attention to every little corner and edge of the hallways, scanning for Samae. A couple minutes pass by as I keep my eyes peeled.

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