Chapter 24: He Did What Now??

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And so, back to school for me. Even for a week, I'm so used to waking up expecting my name to be yelled over an invisible PA. Nothing of that sort awaits me, but I decide to keep the habit as long as I can. Mom had welcomed me back when I came home, and I showed off I could properly control three minions now. I had the rest of the weekend to myself, but now, it's back to whatever educational torture UA has to offer.

This morning, I had plenty of time to eat breakfast, have a quick meditation session, and set out for school. I don't run into Sicuto on the bus this time; probably due to the fact I'm on the bus before the usual one I've been taking, though I'm not complaining.

Finally, I arrive at my school and make my familiar way to the 1-A classroom. I few students are already present and in their seats: Iida of course, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Yaoyarozu. I stare at Auxi's empty desk, wondering if she already left us. Of course though, I'm early, so she still might be coming in.

I walk past the front row of desks to the corner, passing a shaking Bakugo scowling at his desk. I'm about to turn past then stop to check if I'm not seeing things.

Wait. Is his hair combed??? I look at him, hiding my completely confused expression and confirm my thoughts. His usually pointy mess of spiky hair is indeed combed over like a proper gentleman's. His fists are tightly curled up and shaking on his desk. The scene is actually unsettling considering the fact that this is actually Bakugo.

He doesn't look up at me, but I actually feel like I need to make sure he's okay without asking. "Well, this is disturbing."

"Shut up, zombie."

Yep. He's fine. Must be having a bad hair day. With all that cleared up, I leave him to his misfortune and continue to my desk.

One by one, my classmates file in and find their seats, some of them throwing humorous and confused glances at Bakugo. Tojuta eventually walks in and nods upon spotting me. As he approaches, he catches a glance of Bakugo and, once he recognizes him, quickly covers his mouth, slightly picking up his pace to get out of the explosive blonde's reach. Thankfully, Bakugo doesn't pay any attention to him and stares out the window.

Tojuta makes it to his desk next to mine and slides in, tucking his bag under his chair and hiding his face behind his arms on his desk.

"Just keep your cool and don't make eye contact, dude," I advise.

He softly snickers. "I'm trying."

With his face down on his desk, I can make out four light green bands wrapped around a few groups of quills on his head. "Dude," I ask. "Are those scrunchies?"

"Hm?" He looks back up at me and scratches the back of his head. "Oh. Yeah. One of the things Mr. Snipe wanted to test. I'm training my quills to grow more closer together so I can grow more at a time. That and we've found a technique I use try for melee combat." He brings his knuckles to his head and grabs a patch of quills between his fingers, showing his new needle claws. "I've got an okay grip on them, but I feel like I should request to adjust my hero costume a bit to keep them from falling out at all, but they're really useful."

"That's pretty cool. You're like Wolverine now."

"Thanks." He points his thumb over his shoulder. "I'm also trying to strengthen my core to fire my quills straight off my back. Mr. Snipe says the method is faster and more powerful than me just throwing my quills, but it's less accurate as they mostly scatter everywhere behind my back."

"With that, I would believe you need to control how many of those things you should shoot off at a time."

"Yeah, I'm getting there."

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