Chapter 16: The Hero From Beyond

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These couple days off from school are pretty helpful, I guess. The sports festival seemed to have made me more famous than I thought. Just yesterday, a couple kids were so happy cuz they recognized me from TV and asked for me to show them a flame. They were amazed by it and caused a scene that drew in a crowd that soon recognized me as well. A bit uncomfortable, but tolerable. Semester finals are in about a week or so, but I'm more focused on the one word that's been echoing in my head since Mr. Aizawa said it: internships. Who would've thought? I'm only fifteen, and I've probably been scouted due to my results at the sports festival. I just wonder how many I got exactly. I'm also curious how they will work. Is it just being a servant or an unpaid sidekick? I also wonder... will those who didn't make it so far like Sicuto be interning as well, or just hero course students?

A knock on my bedroom door interrupts my meditation thoughts. I open my eyes as my mom walks in. She looks like she's been crying. "Yurei," she starts then pauses for a breath. "Get ready. We're going to the jailhouse."

"What's wrong?"

"It's your father. Someone broke him out."

My eyes widen. Without questioning it, I leap from my bed and throw my jacket on. I slip on my shoes and bolt to the door, leaving her behind.

As I run ahead, a thousand questions are running through my mind. Escape?! Why would he do that? He's a good man! I know he's not guilty, so why?! When did this happen? Was it because of the sports festival by chance? Who broke him out?

After about fifteen minutes of nonstop running, I make it to the prison. The first thing I notice is that there are more guards than usual. I try to just run through the gate without stating my business. I immediately recognize it as a mistake as I'm instantly grabbed by one of the guards.

"Stop, kid!" he orders, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up to swing me back in front of him. "What do you think you're doing? I'm sure you're not supposed to be-!"

"What kind of guard are you?!" I shoot out, my eyes angry and morphed.

The guard looks taken aback and crosses his arms. "Excuse me?"

"If you people are trying to do your job right, then you're terrible at it! If you can let a break-in pass you by, why should you stop me?!"

"Yurei!" my mom yells at me and catches up. She pulls me back hard and places me behind her. She turns to the guard. "I am so sorry. He- he's just worried. I'm Kanji Seshin and this is my son, Yurei."

"Seshin?" the officer parrots. "You wouldn't happen to be related to Jeamoko Seshin, would you?"

"Yes, he's my husband."

"And therefore this squirt's father." He looks at me. "I see." He hangs his head. "You've heard about the break-in?"

"Yes sir. Do you know where he went and who he went with?"

"Mam, we don't know where he went, but we have a great suspicion of who he's with now." He motions for us to follow him. We walk through the prison until going back to the cells. There's not really any sign of debris or anything. As we walk down the hallway of cells, I spy an empty one with my dad's name written next to the door under the cell number. The cramped space is more messy than the others.

We finally make it to an investigation room. The officer pulls out a file and lays it on the desk. "When we checked in Seshin's cell this morning, it was a mess. We hadn't yet touched anything in there but we did check the camera system. Neither the walls or the bars have been damaged in any way, hence this." The guard opens the cream-colored file to show a picture from the camera. A red marker circles a small dark cloud just visible in the corner like it was being sent off from something. "Experts and witnesses are certain that this strange shape and texture is that of a portal similar to the ones the League of Villains used to attack the USJ. Now one would assume that Seshin is in with the league, but watching the footage, we could hear some sort of struggle going on in the cell."

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