A Change in Perspective: Hikari Samae

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"...Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous..." "...Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly, even if you're to do something virtuous like rescue someone..."

Ever since the pro hero, Thirteen, had told us that, it's been repeating in my head over and over again. Don't get the wrong idea though. It's a discomforting fact I've known ever since sixth grade.

My quirk is called Shadow Shark. I can sink into the shadows and travel along them at ridiculous speeds. Along with that, I can pull down anything with me as long as it's smaller than the shade I'm going down into and I'm tightly gripping or wearing it. Interestingly enough, I can even take people with me, but there are some enormous drawbacks.

I'm not sure how to perfectly describe the void I plunge into, but I'll try to give something brief. The shadows I sink into lead into a vast ocean of nothingness. Nothing but black for miles and miles. I mean, thanks to a secondary function of my quirk, night vision, I can see past the surface of the ground and spy above me, but that's beside the point. The abyss itself has nothing in it, and that includes air. I'm sure you know where this is going, so I'll skip to it.

Back in sixth grade, I was your average, doing-okay student. My friends and I had some pretty sick quirks that we liked to explore and dream about what we can do with them. One of my friends, Kirishima, (of course you know him,) was among our group, but this was when he had black hair and all that. There were also a few others like Josuko and Timasha, but I won't get into any detail about them.

During recess at school, it was pretty freaking hot, so we just hung out in the shade being casted down from the building and talking about our quirks. Timasha had just won a bet about being able to hurt Kirishima while we was hardened, but I don't think it was that fair cuz his move was kneeing him in the crotch.

It was then that Josuko looked up at me and casually dared me to show him what it was like to swim in the shadows. I joked to him about just taking a midnight plunge but then realized what he was really asking. I teased him, acting unsure if he could take it and exaggerated what I do when I go down. Still, the idea was awesome, so we had to try out either way.

Staying seated, I moved behind him and latching my arms around his shoulders to pull. With the other guys cheering us on, I scuba dived backwards and felt both the dark mist surround me and Josuko's body. I turned so that I could propel myself easier and he was below me.

It was so cool. I felt like I was saving someone and flying away from the disaster. I could see above me and outside thanks to my night vision, so I knew where the shade ended off. I even swam in circles in my abyssal pool, feeling my friend's arm wave up and brush against me as I go. I continued swimming, and both his arms reached up and tapped me.

Suddenly, he started to actually hit me, and I was scarred. He was kicking as well, hitting his heels against my shins and squirming. I looked below me, and I regret to say it took me a couple seconds to realize he was panicking. Quickly, I deactivated my quirk and pulled us both to the top.

I let him go and watched in worry as Josuko picked himself up on his hands and knees and violently started coughing. We all gathered around him, hitting his back and asking him to speak, but all we got were more hacks and coughs. It wasn't long before he started to choke up grass and gravel, anything you can see on the ground we were standing on and spitting it out. It didn't stop and just seemed to be getting worse.

Hearing his bothersome condition, other students and teachers all ran over to see what was the matter. The teachers coaxed him to stand up to take him to the nurse's office, but a little after he did, he grabbed his throat as he coughed and hacked up a splash of blood. I backed away, horrified, along with some other students. The adults demanded to each other that he needed care immediately.

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