Chapter 29: Endurance Training

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With camp falling upon us, I'm trying to get some more meditating time in. I don't want to take my own observations all the wrong way, but I can't help but feel like I'm slacking off. Now that I think about it, it's been quite a while since I last earned myself another flame, not since the USJ. And we're going to be pushed to our limits and beyond; I'm going to need all the support I can call upon.

I feel like my plans fit well with what we were instructed. None of us are to take any sort of vacations over summer break, so if I'm going to be cooped up at home, might as well spend it wisely.

It's complicated what I'm thinking during my sessions, but I guess I'm really just listening around me, contemplating my surroundings and stuff. I even imagine my problems and events as a game of Shogi, trying to determine what my next best move would be against this opponent I call life.

What about Dad though? How long ago was it since I last heard of him?

That would be right before internships.

Internships? Dang. He's sure missed a lot. My internship, Hosu, my practical; I wonder if I'll ever get a chance to tell him about all of it.

Remember what he said: I'm never alone. I'll see him again, just wait. At least I got an entire list to go off of.

Yeah, an entire twelve chapters in my perspective.

Suddenly confused by my own thoughts, I open my eyes and glance side to side.

. . . What??

Whatever that's about, I look around me to count the flames while I have my eyes open. Six. I know I'm getting impatient, but I want something to show my personal progress. Then there's the fact that I've lately been thrown into a lot of trouble involving me having to fight. I need to make some advancements.

I close my eyes again, but only for a couple seconds as I hear a buzz on my nightstand, indicating a message on my phone. While I'm awake, I might as well. I extinguish my fire and stand up to view my notification.

Midoriya: Hey! Mineta and Kaminari just invited me to the school pool for some endurance training. I figured I'd invite the other guys while I'm at it. Wanna come?

Mineta and Kaminari? For endurance training?? Those two are some of the laziest people in the class. I doubt that's the case.

Either way, I'm just not sure about the offer. I was never that much of a swimmer; plus water a literal counter of my quirk. At the same time, I was just thinking how far I've been falling behind. Might as well. I text back.

Me: Sure, I'm down.

Midoriya: Great! See you there!

I close the contact and feel another vibration to the +4.

Tojuta: You guys going to the pool, too?

Samae: Yeah, Midoriya invited me.

Me: I'm coming.

Auxi: Wait. 'Too?' I'm about to head down myself with the girls, but I wasn't invited by Midoriya.

Tojuta: Huh, convenient.

Samae: Well, he said it was some others' idea, so maybe that has something to do with it?

Wait a second. Midoriya said it was Mineta's and Kaminari's idea, and now we know the girls were going. Those dorks! If there's one thing those two have in common, it's trying to get a girl in one way or another! And at the pool, no less! Heh. Jokes on them though. Since everyone's going, we have more than enough people to keep those two in line.

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