Chapter 14: His Standards

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I watch Bakugo tighten the points around his head. I'm supporting him from his back right with Sero to my left and Kirishima up front. I ignite all six of my flames and have them orbit Bakugo from below, making it easier for us to carry him.

"Whew!" Sero exclaims. "Thanks, man! That's way better."

"I can't hold him for long, Sero. Plus, I'm going to need my flames back somewhere in between now and the end to make minions or lift something else.

"Either way, your quirk's really useful," Kirishima adds. "Real smart to bring him on our team, Bakugo."

"Don't you dare think I need any of you for this." Bakugo responds. "I could do it on my own, but rules qualify for me to have other people. So get over yourself and the thought that I'm relying on any of you." Bakugo fixes an angry gaze at Midoriya and his team, which consists of Uraraka, Tokoyami, and some other girl from the support course. "We're going for the ten million first. We'll get Deku and his team of sissies out of the festival and go straight for the top."

"What about Todoroki?" I ask. "The guy's obviously stronger than Midoriya, as he stated in the locker room. Wouldn't it be smarter to get him out of the festival first?"

"Deku is a dang little nerd I can crush easily. I just have a little score to settle with him before icy-hot. He just wants to make a fool of me!" He smiles wickedly. "I'll show him who'll be the one laughing in the end."

Kirishima looks over at Bakugo. "Hey, on the subject of Midoriya, why do you nickname him something off Zelda?"

"That's not what I'm implying, dumb hair!"

"And icy-hot? As in the deodorant?"

I roll my eyes while they argue and scan the stadium to find Tojuta's team. It looks like they had to settle for that dragon chick as the forth person instead of me. Samae's riding on top while Tojuta and Auxi are supporting him from the back and the dragon is up front with her wings spread out as a shield for Samae. It's a good strategy. Samae's quirk is pretty much the only one they can't use. Tojuta has his quills, so it's kinda obvious why he's in the back.

Call me biased, but I think it's good Bakugo is focused on the ten million. Otherwise, Tojuta and the others would be taken out as soon as we cross paths.

"COMPETITORS, GET READY!!" Present Mic drags me out of my thoughts. He begins the countdown.

I wait for the signal to go while Bakugo cracks his knuckles over the roar of cheering fans. "Okay."

"BEGIN!!" Midnight calls.

I run alongside Sero with Kirishima leading. Just as suspected, we're not the only ones racing for the grand band. Most of the other teams run at them as well. A few teams are already ahead, surrounding the target team.

"Slow down," Bakugo commands.

"Dude! He's right there!" Kirishima argues. "He's a sitting duck!"

"The nerd always has some sort of strategy when it comes to situations like this. He also has puke bags with him, so they can still escape."

You mean Uraraka? That's a new one. Aside from the zero gravity addition to their team, Midoriya's wearing some kinda equipment on his back. A jet pack? Where'd he get that?

I make the wide turn with Sero and wait for our targets to do something. Suddenly, a whirring sound begins from them, and they blast off. Just as Bakugo planned!

"Charge to where they'll land!" Bakugo orders.

"You got it, dude!" Kirishima begins our throttle. I look ahead of us to see another team just ahead. The first thing I see from them is a floating headband above Koda, Sato, and Jiro. Must be Hagakure's team. Jiro launches her earphone cords at the airborne team, only to be blocked off by Tokoyami's Dark Shadow. Just goes to show we should be careful about that thing. Midoriya most likely chose him as defense.

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