Chapter 34: Pursuit

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I'm thankful Samae showed up back there to help out and take Hagakure. Now I'm darting through the seemingly endless woods to find anyone else. There are sounds everywhere, but not quite sure which ones to follow. I'm just running to whichever sounds closer.

The good news is that Samae said some of them didn't even enter the woods and have followed the teachers back to the building. If Samae was one of them though and he was in group six, then I can conclude that nine students are already safe, counting Hagakure. That means there are probably fourteen others still out here. Then again, there's 1-B as well, and if Kyor stayed behind then I can only guess that-.

I suddenly hear a loud roar echo somewhere out here. I stop abruptly and carefully glance around. I find myself on an actual path, but I can't tell where. I'm still concerned about the monstrous call though. A villain? Nah, I can't draw to that.

Soon there's another earsplitting sound. It sounds like trees crashing from something big. Among that though are a set of heavy footsteps and possibly voices. I bring out my flames to be safe and phase for whatever's coming.


I turn my head to voice, and I spy Shoji running and carrying someone. There's something else behind him as well, and my eyes soon widen at the crashing trees being pushed aside by two massive claws behind him. Just when I thought I was done with terrifying beasts for the night, there just has to be another chasing my classmate!

As quick as I can, I turn on my toes and sprint off. I feel both Shoji's and the beast's presences behind me and only getting closer. My heart then jumps as I feel a hand grab me by my jacket and yank me upwards. I land in some sort of net and somewhat calm down as I realize it's Shoji carrying me to keep up. I decide not to question how he's running so fast while carrying someone and glance up to get a better look at the thing chasing us. Another claw suddenly reaches out to lash out, just barely grazing Shoji's boot! This is bad! I'm only slowing him down!

I quickly summon my flames and move them around me. I give the command and slightly levitate slightly off his back but still low enough to carry me with him. Hopefully this helps.

"What the heck is that?!" I scream over the calamitous noise and Shoji's heavy breathing. It looks almost familiar with it's fizzing shape and glowing demon eyes.

"It's Tokoyami!" another voice explains next to me. I look down at the figure next to me to find a badly beaten Midoriya. "He's lost control of Dark Shadow, who's raging out! We're out looking for a classmate who give us a light source to calm him!"

I get the idea and try my best to concentrate. I summon the rest of my flames and make them follow behind. I raise my hand to give the command to ward off the monster and swing my hands to give a path of evasion. Dark Shadow roars loudly and slashes at my spirits, making them flicker. All the while, he's still chasing us, but he starts to slow down. I try harder, guiding my fire to get closer to it to get a better effect. I've definitely ticked it off, but it's not letting up.

"It's not enough!" Midoriya warns, prompting me to glance down at him. "It's weakening him a little bit, but it'll take something brighter!"

"JUST LEAVE ME!!" I gaze back up at the beast still following us. Tokoyami is there but is trapped in what looks like Dark Shadow's veins near it's chest. "I CAN'T CONTROL IT!! LEAVE ME!!"

"No, Tokoyami!" Midoriya yells. "Don't fight against it! Give up control for now and just let it take over; trust me!"

"What now then?!" I ask Midoriya, hoping he and Shoji weren't specifically looking for me when I can't do much here.

"We keep going! If we're lucky, we'll run into Todoroki and Kachan!"

Who? Oh, that must be a nickname for Bakugo. "They were one of the first teams to go in, specifically the seconds group," I point out. "So they should be pretty far in."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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