A Change in Perspective: Plague

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Author's Notes: With school falling upon us, it's gonna be hard to keep up with my self-bestowed deadlines. Chapter 18 was published late, yes. To make up for that, here's a mini-chapter that focuses on another OC of mine. Everybody has a backstory, including villains. So I thought it'd be fitting to share the backstory and thoughts of my villain OC, Plague. I might do another 'Change in Perspective' in the future for another character. We'll just have to see how this one turns out. If you'd like to see another Change in Perspective chapter, comment below what you think about this guy and who's eyes you'd like to see through next in these mini-chapters. Stay safe, and God bless!!

It's ironic really. They say the world supports dreams of many kinds. Apparently those dreams aren't any one of mine. My life is just one big train wreck. I got problem after the other and they're still coming.

I'm sitting at my desk computer in my crappy, one-room apartment and staring at the black market screen. No offers. It's been months since I made some decent dough, so why aren't I getting anywhere? I impatiently tap my desk until grabbing a plastic bottle and spit out some extra spit. Call it a habit, but I have to do it. I don't wanna swallow my own venom and waste my antidotes. Those are for my victims who cooperate.

A knock on my door sounds and a letter drops through the slot. I lazily stand and walk over to grab it. While I glance at who it's from, I take it back to my desk and toss it in the trash can with the others. Just bill reminders. Nothing crazy important.

Ugh. How did I get here? It's tragic really. I was gonna change the world, and why not? Anyone can make a difference. Truth be told, I wasn't always a lowlife thug. Before I gave myself the villain name, Plague, I went by a different name: Professor Vakuma Taliki. I'm a skilled chemist who was gonna be a hero even with this quirk. I determined a formula that would solve world hunger by making an instant growth fertilizer. Turns out, my venom had most of the ingredients I needed. I just needed proper equipment. So I gathered investments from companies of many kinds. Just like that, I racked up three-thousand dollars and got straight to work.

I was so close to finishing the project when something went terribly wrong. I can't say what exactly, but something caused my lab to go up in smoke. It destroyed everything in there but me. I ended up with this burn across the right side of my face and going permanently blind in my right eye. I was devastated. My work was gone and things only got worse. I now owe all those companies money for their wasted investments. Greedy of them, I know, but the matter was even taken to court, and they won. But I don't have that kind of money.

I tried to find a few things I can make a living off of. I started a small business in the black market to sell small portions of my venom. That didn't get me very far; only seventy dollars. I even joined a gang later that was unstoppable. But after a couple months or so of that, the gang disbanded and our leader tuned himself in. That only got me around five hundred or so.

I was desperate. My business was crashing, and I had no job to grab myself. Then I met him. Some black market advertiser who goes by the name Giran hacked my account and said he wanted to offer me something. He introduced me to the League of Villains led by a powerful villain known as All for One and his right hand man, Tomura Shigaraki. Dang, can that guy advertise. What sold me was his 'promise' that they could make dreams come true. I needed money to get outta this debt so that's what was promised as a reward for getting rid of All Might.

We tried to do just that in our most recent attack. Despite how strong All for One's quirk is though, All Might remains standing. Who's fault is that though?! I told ya, Shigaraki! My venom could take the guy out with one shot, and where do you put me during our attack on the USJ?? You put me in a fricken simulator to kill a buncha kids!! I can do more if you would just let me!

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