Chapter 30: Unsettling Welcome

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"Yurei! Are you up?" I hear my mom call from the living room as I give a final push on the stack of clothes in my suitcase before zipping it up.

"Yes!" I answer. Judging by the large lump pushing up on my luggage, I feel like I'm taking too much, but it's really all just clothes, toiletries, and a few other small things.

With that aside, I button up my shirt to complete the school uniform. Finally, I shove my phone in my pocket and heave my case off my bed to the door. I pull it out into the living room where Mom passes me a large ziplock with sunscreen and bug spray.

"And you're sure going to be okay??" she asks.

"Yes mam," I sigh. "It's just a week Mom; not like I'm moving out."

"I know, I know, it's just..." She glances down at the floor. "Your school is going through a lot, and I don't mean the workload. I mean, first it was ambushed by villains, I held my breath more times than I can count watching you in the sports festival, then the events at your internship was... was..." She sighs and covers her eyes. "Simply indescribable as you can see."

"Terrifying?" I offer. "Shocking? Uncalled for? Wrought with peril?"

"All of those, thank you."

"We're gonna be with pros all week, Mom. Besides, I got it that the location of the camp is a complete secret only known to UA and camp staff. I'll be fine."

I stare into her worrying eyes. After a solid ten seconds, she throws her arms around me. Caught by surprise, I almost don't respond but then return the hug. "Just be careful; you hear me?"

"Yes mam."

"Call me as soon as you can."

"Yes mam."

"And stop growing."

"Out of the question."

She laughs before letting me go. I give one last smile and grab the handle of my suitcase and walk to the door. "Love you!"

"Love you more!"


I get off the twenty bus with my luggage and make my way through the familiar gate. Walking toward the parking lot, I spy the buses already parked and waiting. Everyone here is just doing their thing, chatting amongst themselves, scrolling through their phones, or stretching from the early morning. Mr. Aizawa is talking with Vlad King, so I doubt we're supposed to be doing something just yet.

"'Morning, Yurei." I look up to see Tojuta, rubbing his eyes, the quills on his head pointing every which way.

"Hey," I greet. "Is that bed head or did you just lose your scrunchies?"

"Little bit of both. I actually broke all of them."


"It's hard to fix your hair when it's sharp at the tips, okay?"

"Understood. Did you get enough sleep?"

He yawns. "Don't think so. I plan to just crash on the bus."


"Are you at least excited for camp!?!" Auxi suddenly appears out of nowhere and screams behind us, making me jump and Tojuta flash his quills. We turn back to her.

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