Chapter 3

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"I think I'm going to live with Judy for a while."

        My brain spun faster than ever as I tried to comprehend what my brother was saying, each word stinging like venom.

        "What do you mean?!" I screamed, tears threatening to spill at any second.

        Without even giving me a second glance, he mechanically turned his back on me and began to trudge out of the room.

        I cried, pleading with him until my throat felt like it was on fire.

        "Don't leave me-"

        My eyes shot open, and I could feel my breaths becoming steadier. My muscles felt sore from thrashing around and I was drenched in my own sweat. Although I was still trying to recover from my nightmare, I was all too distracted by the fact that I wasn't in my bed.

        "What's the matter with you?" I soon heard a deep, all too familiar voice ask.

        I was in Dallas Winston's room. In his bed. Fuck.

        "What the hell am I doing here?" I immediately demanded, defensively hugging myself tight.

        "I don't know, man. You tried to come on to me last night and wouldn't leave so I left, and when I came back you were still here." He approached me, and I realized that he was shirtless. Living with the Curtis', I'd been around shirtless males plenty of times, yet something about being in such a close space with a half-naked Dallas made my stomach do somersaults.

        All of that vulnerability and nervousness soon turned into rage. "I find it hard to believe that I 'came onto you.' You didn't try any funny business on me, did you, Winston?"

        "No way. I was gettin' it on with some blonde chick." A sly smirk then crept on his face, and he began to walk over to the bed I was occupying. "Unless you want to-"

        "Cut it out!" I interjected, hopping out and pushing past Dallas. I then drew in a deep breath, realizing what a mess I was in. "How the hell am I supposed to leave here without people thinking that we did something?"

        Dallas just laughed at me, shaking his head. "You ain't as innocent as you pretend to be."

        Heat immediately rose to my cheeks. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

        He kept walking closer to me until I found myself pushed up against a wall. Damnit. I froze where I was, my lungs unable to catch enough air and my legs refusing to move. What is happening to me?

        Dallas cocked his head down and leaned his forehead against mine, gently running a finger down my jaw line. "I like making you nervous."

        Those words immediately snapped me out of my trance. "I'm never nervous. I'm not afraid of anything."

        "We'll see."

        Without a second thought, I murmured "I gotta go" and sprinted out of the room. Buck tried to catch my attention as I ran, but I wasn't stopping for anyone.

        I just couldn't wrap my head around why I reacted that way to Dallas. He was just Dally. None of that should have been a big deal. It wasn't like I was attracted to him or anything.

        I had to stay tough and guarded in order to keep moving forward in life. Although I was exceptionally vulnerable with Pony and sometimes Johnny, I couldn't share my feelings with anyone else. I had made myself invincible, untouchable, unable to ever get hurt again.

        Thankfully, Lady Luck was on my side, letting me have a peaceful walk back to the Curtis home, but as soon as I opened the door, I was in for a rude awakening.

        "Where the hell have you been?" Darry had dark circles under his eyes; he must've not gotten any sleep. Shit. I was supposed to be home by dark.

        "I'm really sorry, Dar. I ended up falling asleep at Jo's," I lied, attempting to mitigate the situation.

        "I was up all night!" He bellowed angrily. "I already have to worry about Ponyboy and Sodapop, but I at least thought I could count on you!"

        Ouch. "It won't happen again. What can I do to make it up to you?"

        "If you go to the Nightly Double tonight and keep an eye on Pony, all will be forgotten."

        After that morning, I could not face Dallas again.

        I began to protest. "Oh, no. I can't. Isn't there anything-"

        "Or, I could ground you. What's it's gonna be, Sass?"

        I sighed in defeat. "Fine. I'll go."

        Darry nodded solemnly, accepting my agreement. "I appreciate it. I don't trust Pony to be home in time if he's running around with just Johnny and Dally."

        Ignoring his final statement, I trudged upstairs to my room with a blaring headache. It was already a quarter to twelve, meaning Soda was already at work and Pony would be who knows where. I suspected Darry was going in to work late because of my late arrival.

        I tried not to let Darry's strictness bug me too much. I knew he was doing the best he could, and besides, he was a much better brother than Danny by far. I was lucky to be living under his roof, so I knew I needed to follow his rules.

        Eventually, I decided to sleep the rest of the day away, trying to block out my pounding headache and saddening memories. I needed to be strong, especially if I had to go out with Dallas that night.

        Before I knew it, I was suddenly awoken by a banging on my door, and Pony's voice calling, "Sass, are ya comin'?"

        Deeply inhaling, I forced myself out of bed and headed over to the bathroom to freshen up. If I had to spend a hellish night with Dallas Winston, I at least wanted to feel clean.

        As soon as the warm water of the shower hit my skin, I instantly relaxed. Showering was honestly one of my favorite pastimes- it was the only time I could be left alone with my thoughts.

        If only Dallas and the intoxicating heat of his body wasn't the only thing on my mind...

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