Chapter 2

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"Damn Sass, you look tuff," My friend Jo exclaimed as she pinned and sprayed my hair.

        "I don't feel so tuff," I muttered, yanking my short skirt down. It wouldn't stop riding up my legs, and I felt way too exposed.

        Somehow, Jo convinced me to become her next fashion victim; she stuffed me in a tight black sweater, white mini skirt, and black heeled boots. She then smothered my face with accented eye and lip makeup, tugging at and teasing my brunette hair afterwards.

        "Cut it out," she commanded for me to stop squirming. "You look great."

        I could only scoff at that comment. "Says you."

        "Come on, Sass, I mean it," she insisted. "I've always wanted your eyes..."

        I could've probably passed as a Curtis with my bright green eyes. As stupid as it may sound, the color of my eyes always made me feel like apart of the family, but I couldn't seem to understand why Jo would possibly want them. She was gorgeous.

        "Well, if I looked like you, I'd go around flaunting myself all day long," I laughed.

        She shook her head, smiling to herself. "Well, no matter how we feel about our looks on a regular basis, there's no doubt that right now we are both smokin' hot!"

        I looked unrecognizable to myself. I had always been more of a tomboy, and never felt the need to waste time on my appearance. Whether I liked to admit it or not, it sort of felt nice to be all dolled up for once.

        Jo's slender body was dressed similarly to mine, and she looked like a walking goddess. Her dark hair was in a subtle bouffant style, and the shadowy makeup on her eyelids made her brown irises pop. I wouldn't have been surprised if some lucky fella took her home.

        Shortly after gazing at ourselves in the mirror in Jo's bedroom, we quietly snuck out of the house and began our trek to Buck's.

        Buck Merrill had a pretty nice place compared to ours, and he was always throwing wild parties. There was always tons of alcohol, and tons of people to drink it.

        I felt my stomach begin to cramp with anxiety, but did everything in my power to suppress it. I hated being vulnerable. Soon enough we approached Buck's, only stopping to meet a shadowy figure in the distance.

        "What are you ladies doin' all by your lonesome?" The man asked, who turned out to be Tim Shepard, leader of the Shepard Gang. We got along with Tim just fine, unless Dallas did something to piss him off, which was more often than we liked.

        "We were planning on gettin' boozed up at Buck's," Jo said flirtatiously, batting her eyes.

        "It ain't safe for pretty girls like y'all to get boozed up in a place like that," Tim replied, raising an eyebrow.

        Jo stepped closer to Tim, friskily running her fingernails down the back of his neck. "Well, then maybe you can protect us."

        "Alright baby," he then turned to me. "You comin', Sass?"

        I attempted to suppress a giggle. Jo seemed to have him wrapped around her finger. "I'll be right behind ya."

        Tim wrapped his arm around Jo's waist and they entered Buck's together with me tagging along behind. They soon disappeared in the sea of people, and I assumed they went somewhere a little more private. I then made the decision to grab a couple of drinks; after all, I always had more fun at these types of things when drunk.

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