Chapter 16

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            In... out... that's good. In... out...

"Breathe, honey. Breathe. You're safe.

I was no longer in the burning church. I was in a white room, in an unfamiliar bed.

"Keep breathing, honey."

Something was suctioning on to my face. I didn't know where I was.



In... out... in... out...

"Hey Sass," a voice greeted. "You're okay."

Sass... that's me. I'm okay.

"Her breathing is stable again," another voice said. "It was probably just some sort of shock and anxiety response. She suffered a burn of the third degree, and should heal in due time. She's lucky it wasn't worse..."

"Thank you, ma'am," that was Darry's voice. "Hey, Sass. You're going to be all right. You're just in shock right now."

I managed to blink a couple of times, soon realizing that I was surrounded by all three Curtis brothers.

"Oh Sass, I'm so sorry," Pony cried. Soda wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders and Darry smiled down at me, trying to communicate that everything would be all right. I felt happy for them- their family was back together again.

"We'll start the paperwork for discharge," a woman, who I presumed was my nurse, said.

Before I knew it, Darry and Soda were hoisting me out of the hospital bed, and I noticed that my right hand was wrapped tightly in gauze. I was lucky...

"Where's Johnny?" I asked, my pulse quickening. "Where's Dally?"

"They're here," Darry replied softly. "Everything will be okay."

"Can I see them?"

"How about we visit tomorrow?" Darry suggested. "You need to go home and rest."

Home. Did I truly have a home? Could I even consider the Curtis house as home?

With Soda's arm linked in mine, the Curtis brothers and I left the hospital and climbed into Darry's beat up Ford, getting ready to head back to the house.

Soon enough, I felt Pony's head lean on my shoulder. He was sound asleep.

I couldn't blame him, that day was absolutely exhausting. In fact, it didn't even feel like all of those events occurred in one day.

I gently laid my head on top of Pony's and let myself drift off, the warmth of my little brother figure keeping me comfort.

My eyes fluttered open as we pulled up to the house, and I felt relieved to have Pony with us, safe and sound.

Ponyboy didn't even stir, so Darry had to lift him up and carry him in the house, making Soda and I giggle.

After entering the house, I sat down next to Soda on the couch while Darry put Pony to bed. It was nice to have everyone back together again.

"You're really brave for savin' those kids, Sass," Sodapop said. "You and Pony."

"Ponyboy's the brave one," I replied truthfully. "I only went in for him."

"That's still brave... thanks for protecting our brother, Sass."

Our brother...

I could only give him a small smile, and reciprocate the warm hug he wrapped me in.

He then got up and began to head upstairs, but I immediately stopped him. One thought had been completely hanging over me, and it was time to get my answer.

"Hey, Soda?" I asked. "Do you consider me to be apart of the family?"

"Of course, I do. You're my sister, and this is just as much as your home as it is mine," he smiled, and with that, went up to bed.

Before I knew it, Darry entered the room and sat beside me. "I overheard what you and Soda were sayin', and I just wanted to let you know that I also think of you as my kid sister.

"I know you have a hard time accepting that kind of love, for whatever reason, and you don't even have to tell me. But you should know that you are part of this family, whether you like it or not."

I nodded, smiling to myself, as Darry stood up. Just like I did Soda, I stopped him in his tracks. This was more important than anything.

"I hitchhiked down here to find my dad after my mama died and brother abandoned me," I said. "My dad walked out on us when we were real young, and I assumed he'd be livin' in Tulsa.

"I starved and traveled for days in order to put my life back together. My older brother wasn't there for me when my mama died, and my dad is off who knows where. I had no one. But you... and your parents," my eyes began to well with tears. "You showed me the kind of love that I never had. You saved me. Thank you for that. I don't think I could ever repay you."

When Darry pulled me into a hug, that's when I started to sob. I don't think I'd ever let myself and feelings go like that before, and honestly, it was liberating.

Darry just held me in his arms as if I were a helpless child, and gently rubbed a hand on my back, soothing me.

I'd never felt so lucky to have the Curtis brothers, my brothers, ever; not even when I was a scared, starving twelve year old.

Although I was consumed by the overwhelmingly incredible love I received from my family, I couldn't help but think about one other important thing... Dallas Winston.

Was he in good condition, or was he worse off than any of us? Would he die?...

If so, I'd die too...

Don't give up on me, Dallas Winston; you cocky, dangerous, bad, adorable, loving, compassionate son of a bitch. You are my world.

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