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hey everyone! I just cannot thank you all enough for reading this story and follow Sass on her crazy journey. it took some time to plan and write, but I'm so glad I was able to bring this to life with all of your love and support!

finishing "Sass" was such a bittersweet moment for me. writing this story gave me purpose in such a dark time, but as I began to put the pieces of my life back together, I was ready to let go and live, just like Sass.before I finish off this sappy message, I want to include the exact pieces of the text I pulled from in order to give S.E. Hinton full credit for her genius.thank you all again for sticking with me and this story... I love you all!❤️

"'I didn't know you were out of the cooler yet, Dally'" (Hinton 11).
"'Good behavior. Got off early'" (Hinton 11).
"'What were you doin', walkin' by your lonesome'" (Hinton 12).
"'Speakin' of movies... I'm walkin' over to the Nightly Double tomorrow night. Anybody want to come and hunt some action'" (Hinton 13).
"'Me and Soda are pickin' up Evie and Sandy for the game'" (Hinton 13).
"'I'm working tomorrow night'" (Hinton 13).
"'You break up with Sylvia again?' 'Yeah, and this time it's for good. The little broad was two-timin' me again while I was in jail'" (Hinton 13).
"'You'd better leave us alone... or I'll call the cops'" (Hinton 20).
"'Oh my, my... you've got me scared... you ought to see my record sometime, baby. Guess what I've been in for'" (Hinton 20).
"'Please leave us alone... why don't you be nice and leave us alone'" (Hinton 20).
"'I'm never nice. Want a coke'" (Hinton 20).
"'I wouldn't drink it if I was starving in the desert. Get lost, hood'" (Hinton 20).
"'Glory... he looks different with his hair like that'" (Hinton 68).
"'How's Sodapop? Are the fuzz after us? Is Darry all right? Do the boys know where we are? What'" (Hinton 69).
"'Hold on kid... I can't answer everything at once. You two wanna go get something to eat first? I skipped breakfast and I'm about starved'" (Hinton 69)
"'The fuzz won't be lookin' for you around here... they think you've lit out for Texas'" (Hinton 69).
"'Do y'all want somethin' to eat or not?' 'You'd better believe it'" (Hinton 71).
"'I didn't tell ya somethin'... the socs and us are having all-out warfare all over the city" (Hinton 72).
"'I got a good chance of bein' let off easy... I ain't got no record with the fuzz and it was self-defense. Pony and Cherry can testify to that. And I don't aim to stay in that church all my life'" (Hinton 74).
"'We won't tell that you helped us, Dally, and we'll give back the gun'" (Hinton 74).
"'You sure you wanna go back'" (Hinton 75).
"'I'm sure... It ain't fair for Pony with Darry and Soda worryin' about him and all'" (Hinton 75). "'The boys are worried...Two-Bit was gonna go to Texas to hunt for you'" (Hinton 75)."'What about my parents?... Did they ask for me'" (Hinton 75).            
"'No... they didn't. (Blast it) Johnny, what do they matter? My old man don't give a shit whether I'm in jail... but that don't bother me none'" (Hinton 75).  
"'Why didn't you think of turning yourself in five days ago? It would have saved me a lot of trouble.' 'I was scared'" (Hinton 76).      "'Johnny, I ain't mad at you. I just don't want you to get hurt. You don't know what few months in jail can do to you... You get hardened in jail. I don't want that to happen to you like it happened to me'" (Hinton 76). "'Anybody home?'... 'In here!... don't slam the door'" (Hinton 89).
"'Johnnycake?... Johnny?'... 'Hey...'.... 'We won. We beat the socs'... 'We stomped them. Chased them outta our territory'... 'Useless... fighting's no good...'... 'They're still writing editorials about you in the paper. For being a hero and all... Yeah, they're calling you a hero now and heroizin' all the greasers. We're proud of you, buddy'... 'Pony... Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold'" (Hinton 126).
"'Where did you think you were goin'?' 'I don't know. It's just... I can't stand to hear y'all fight. Sometimes... I just have to get out or... it's like I'm the middleman in a tug o' war and I'm being split in half. Ya dig'" (Hinton 149).
"'Please... don't fight anymore'" (Hinton 150).

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