Chapter 5

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The walk to Buck's was, to say the very least, painfully awkward. I felt myself grow colder by the minute, and became disgusted with myself when I shivered and subconsciously looked up to Dallas, as if I believed he'd lend me his jacket. Even if he was compassionate enough to give me his jacket, I didn't need anyone to take care of me, especially him.

I assumed Buck was having another party, and clearly, I was not dressed to impress. Wearing a white tank top with the hem tied in a knot and blue jeans, I knew Jo would be disappointed... I didn't have a gift for those things like she did.

As soon as we made it to Buck's, my theory was confirmed: he threw another party. Someone not losing sight of him, I watched Dallas walk over to the couch and make himself at home. I decided to not follow suit and weaved through the mass of people, keeping an eye out for Two-Bit. I had hoped that he would be there, but he very well could've been bumming around the Curtis house, drinking too much beer and watching Mickey.

I also thought about trying to find Buck and making small talk with him, but I wasn't sure I could face him after my little incident at his last party. I was completely hopeless.

After accidentally making a couple of angry people spill their drinks by bumping into them, I decided to find a place where I could be stationary and not screw anything up. As I began to approach the only couch I knew of, I suddenly felt warm breath on the back of my neck and someone's body pressing up against mine.

I whipped around to face the perverted stranger and spat, "Can I help you?"

"C'mon baby," he slurred, his entire being wreaking of alcohol. "Show me a good time."

Before I could even respond, my arm was yanked and I fell into someone's lap. One arm snaked around my waist and the other lay flat on my thighs, and I soon realized that my "savior" was Dallas Winston himself.

"There you are, babe," he said, unexpectedly kissing my cheek.

I felt my face grow hot and my stomach do somersaults as I tried to comprehend what was going on.

"What are you doing?-"

"Just play along," he whispered, running a hand along my leg.

His eyes bore into mine, and I held my breath as he leaned his forehead in closer. I had never been intimate with anyone, and I certainly did not expect to be in such close proximity with Dallas Winston.

"What's this?" The stranger from earlier snapped, staring at me and Dallas.

"This is my girl, so don't even think about makin' anymore moves on her," Dallas snarled.

"Man, Winston. I didn't know she was yours..."

"Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass you would," he then turned to me, still putting on a "boyfriend" facade. "You're all mine, baby."

Without any notice, he pressed his lips to mine, making all of my senses tingle. For some reason, any feelings of disgust and confusion were immediately suppressed and I embraced the kiss.

Ecstasy filled my soul and a pang of hunger that I had never experienced before hit my chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tuning out my surroundings... that is, until he broke away from me.

"The creep's gone," he said in an uncaring tone. "You're welcome."

He gave me a light shove, and I slowly got off of his lap, stunned. Turning away, I walked towards the exit, not entirely sure where I was going, but I knew I couldn't stay. Why did I always have to have freak incidents at Buck's?

As soon as I stepped out of the door, I found myself face to face with Tim Shepard. I'd never been too much of a fan, but I knew Jo liked to use him once in a while.

"Have you seen Dally anywhere? I have a bone to pick with him," he said in a rather frustrated tone.

"No," I lied, trying to walk past him. Even though Dallas and Tim were great friends, they liked to pull each other's legs, and trust me, I did not want to get involved.

"You better not be lying to me, Sass," he said, eyeing me up and down. "We all know you got the hots for him."

My mouth dropped open and I had to stop myself from completely freaking out. "I'm sure he told you that."

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. "If you see him around, tell him I'm lookin' for him."

"Sure," I nodded, watching him enter Buck's. Dallas was about to get his ass kicked.

I knew Tim wouldn't lay a hand on me, but I still felt anxious being so close after I just lied to his face, so I jogged away in the dark.

Eventually, I put enough distance between myself and Buck's, and I was just ready to go back to the Curtis house and kick my feet up. I wondered what Darry, Soda, and Pony were up too... Pony. I forgot all about Pony.


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