Chapter 12

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       "Yo, wake up..."

I felt a pair of strong hands nudging me, attempting to shake me awake.

Groaning, I let my eyes flutter open and found myself in Dally's arms.

"How long was I out?" I asked, sitting up.

"An hour."

My mind then jumped to a strange conclusion. "Wait, did you watch me sleep?"

"No way, idiot," he replied, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it. "I fell asleep too."

I stretched out my arms and back, and then hopped off the bed. "Well, I had fun, but I should go back to the Curtis'. I don't want to worry Darry."

"Okay," Dally shrugged.


"So," I began slowly. "What do we do now?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, taking a drag. "You said you needed to go."

"I meant about us," I replied. "What are we going to label this?"

"I don't know. Friends who make out sometimes?"

I slapped him on the arm as he laughed at the whole situation. What a pain in the ass.

I could only roll my eyes. "You're difficult, you know that?"

"Yeah, but you love it," he winked.

Shaking my head, I left his room and headed downstairs to find a nervous looking Buck.

Before I could even ask what was wrong, I peered around the corner and saw two police officers sitting on the couch. What could they possibly want?

"Sass," Buck said, pulling me aside. "Get Dally."

"Is everything okay?" I whispered.

"It will be if you get Dally. They need to talk to him," when Buck said this, I automatically assumed he was in legal trouble, until he continued on. "And you."

Shit. Could this be about the convenience store?

I silently nodded my head and slowly walked up the stairs, entering Dally's room.

"Couldn't get enough of me, huh?" he asked flirtatiously. Suddenly, he noticed my solemn expression, and a concerned look crossed his face. "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"The fuzz are here," I said quietly. "They wanna talk to us. Do you think it's about earlier today?"

Dally looked perplexed. "I don't know, man. Should we make a run for it?"

"No," I replied, shaking my head. "We might as well see what they want."

Taking Dally by surprise, I gently grabbed his hand and led him down the stairs, preparing to face the cops.

"Dallas Winston. What a pleasure," one, who was rather plump, said. "And you must be Lisa McCoy. Have a seat."

I looked up to Dally as if to tell him that we should comply, and then took a seat across from the two officers. Hesitantly, Dally joined me. "Listen, I didn't do nothin'-"

"You're not in trouble today, Winston," the chubby one interjected. "We're here to ask you about two runaways who are being charged with the murder of Robert Sheldon."

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