Ch. 31: Behind(s)

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"Idiot, huh?"

I squinted at him, and he finally allowed himself to smirk.

"Yep. A complete idiot."

"An idiot named Michael, perhaps?" I pushed. If anything, I just needed to eliminate that chance.

"Yep," he chuckled. "I told you it was a complete idiot."


"Mia!" Benjamin mimicked me in the same whining voice as myself. I cringed.

"Since when did you two start talking?"

"Since never. I don't even know why he called. Well, it was for you obviously, but..."

"So, are you like best buddies now?"

"Never in a million years," Benjamin protested instantly. Why did I get this ridiculous sting of jealousy? It didn't even make sense. Michael probably only called him because he knew Benjamin and I were close, and that I didn't have many other friends. Sad, but true.

"Look, it's not like we have heart to heart conversations going on. He's just called a few times to grill me for... Nevermind."

"He's spying on me through you?" I exclaimed in shock.

"No! It's nothing like that. Most of the time I don't even answer when he calls. And the majority of our conversations we just call each other names and yell at each other. He's not especially happy for the one I gave him."

Benjamin snickered.

"Like 'idiot'?"

"Nah. That's the nice one. His real name is 'asshole'. Michael Asshole Ja..."

I instantly leaped forward and slammed my hand over his mouth. Then I hit his chest.

"Ow! What'd you do that for?"

"You can't call him asshole, asshole! Don't you know who he is?"

"So? You're calling me an asshole!"

He shrugged.

"That's not the same! You can't just..."

"Okay!" he interrupted, finally giving in. "I'll tone it down a bit from now on. I'll just call him 'ass'. That's what he calls me anyway."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head slightly.

"That is so childish. And why on earth are you so obsessed with each other's asses?"

"What? We're not!"

"I mean... I don't really blame you, because he has a really nice rear view."

I heard a loud snort and earned a scowl.

"And I don't? Now, that's just rude. I do my squats. Besides, that's not even the issue here."

"Sure it isn't," I said, and made it clear that I didn't find him especially convincing by rolling my eyes.

"I mean it! It's not! We're strictly talking about behavior here."

"And asses."

"And asses. Wait. No! Your ass perhaps, but not..."

"You call me an ass too, now?" I huffed, and Benjamin got more and more defensive.

"Oh, my God... No! Mia!"

"Benjamin!" I mimicked him, just the way he mimicked me earlier.

"There's nothing wrong with being a butt man."

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