Clear your mind.

Remove all emotions.

That is the key to occlumency after all.

A bright light cased out of my mother's deformed wand.

Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing came forth to her prying eyes. I could feel her though, I could feel Bellatrix Lestrange scratching and clawing inside of my skull. I wasn't going to let her. She needed to know that I wasn't about to back down anymore. I was not her weak and pathetic girl she once knew. No— I was fucking stronger and caried more power in my pinky than she ever did in her existence.

I slowly looked up at my mother, a slow and wicked grin spreading across my lips.

"I don't think so" I hissed through my teeth.

I knew that if I looked over to Professor Snape, he would be grinning from ear to ear. I had made him proud and I could feel it in my bones.

"You think you can beat me! You think just because you are our new celebrity, the great Armena Riddle-Lestrange, that you are suddenly better than everyone else!" She screamed, fully deranged. "Well— I'm sure one of your friends would be happy to let me in their head. Let's see... eenie.... meenie... minie..." 

Her demented wand pointed towards Theo and then Oliver. 

"Moe..." Her wand stopped on Draco. I watched as Narcissa grabbed onto her son's hand. Her bright blue eyes pleading with my mother.

I knew Draco had it in him to block her, he was trained by her for fucks sake. He knew her tricks and tips better than anyone else, better than me.

My mother gave a lopsided smile and cast the light at Draco.

It was as if a film screen flashed in front of everyone's eyes. There it was on display for everyone to see. This wasn't Occlumency or Legilimency, it was something entirely different. Every single bit of it was there for them to see. I watched as Draco completely gave in and let her have it all. He stared right at her, his jaw clenched tight as he shook his head. I winced and closed my eyes waiting for it to end, it humiliating having to watch Draco and I's love story on display for the entire party of Death Eater's to enjoy. I pried one eye open, anticipating the end. 

"I hope you got off on that," Draco spit at my mother.

Silence filled the room.

"Well, Lucius— it seems our children are in quite the secret romance. Severus— did you know they were screwing on your desk? Well, they have really increased the extracurriculars at Hogwarts, haven't they?" She said sickly.

Oh, I was going to be sick.

Lucius looked over at his wife wide eyed, the words seeming to escape him. I threw my head down into my palms, trying very hard to wake up from this absolute nightmare. Did Draco really just do that? There was not a sound in the room, I could have sworn that I heard a spider weaving it's web in the corner. I felt her movements beside me but I didn't want to look up.

"You foolish girl!" She screamed right in my ear.

Her hands yanked my head back, her finger grabbing onto my hair.  Her hand connected with my cheek and the red hot flames spread over my skin. I bit my cheek, praying that her slap would wake me up from this savage nightmare.

"You have been blinded by desire! You let— I can promise you that boy" her bony hand pointed directly at Draco, "that boy has been using you just to get between your legs and you spread them like a filthy whore" she spit.

Dark Blood // D.M.Where stories live. Discover now