Its All Fun And Games

Start from the beginning

"Of course, it would be fun. That's all it is. He's a good guy, don't worry babe" I squeeze his hand and let go once again walking back to Aoi.

"So let's not break any of the buildings today" Aoi watches as I walk, speaking with a bit of a laugh.

"Oh, I'll keep you in place" I stand about five metres away from him.

"Yeah? We'll see about that" He smirks.

"Someone count down from ten or some shit" I look into Aoi's black eyes as he looks into mine. I crack my knuckles and listen attentively to Panda's countdown.


I crack my neck.


I bend down, cracking my knees 


I get back up and hold my hands behind my back, cracking my spine as I pull.


Me and Todo look at each other with pure joy. I was excited to face this guy, I don't think I've had the chance to fight someone as strong as him since I forced Yuji to actually fight me.


Our forearms make a cross as we move in a circle. "Hehe, you're gonna get the first hit or me?" Aoi smirks.

"You can it's o-" I get a punch in the abdomen, which was actually very refreshing.

"A- are you okay?!" He looses his guard and looks at me with worry.

"Yeah thanks for that" I grab his shoulders and knee into his stomach.

I take a few steps back, watching as he follows me, going in for a punch straight to my face. I grab his fist and twist. "That did n-" I interrupt him by pulling in order to get on his shoulders.

I wrap my legs around and pull, sending him to the ground. "Aoi, you don't know how much I've wanted to fight someone without holding back. I'm still holding back a bit, but damn" I pull on his arm but he pulls back and throws me like a ball after getting up.

I land on my feet with one hand on the ground, sliding due to the momentum of his throw.

"I'm having fun" Aoi runs and jumps high, both hands clasped to make one fist to smash into me.

I stand still, lowered and feet planted. I grab both hands that were made to destroy me and pull as he lands. I knee into his abdomen and bang my head on his and he takes a few steps back.

"He told me not to hold back" I run up feeling a runners high, but instead it's fighting.

He spits and brings up his arms as a shield like Yuji did before he hit his head too many times. "That's what I'm gonna do" I punch a few times and kick under his legs to trip him over.

He falls but pulls me by my neck, flipping me over to fall on my back behind him. I get winded and take longer than I usually would to get up.

"That was good" I say with a smile.

"Thanks, I'm trying" He cracks his neck and runs behind me, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me for my head to smash into the ground.

I plant my hands on the ground before my head could get any damage and wrap my legs around his neck. I huff and pull, slamming his back on the ground once again.

He seemed shocked, getting up a bit hesitant than before. I move before he could think, sending a face punch so he could dodge and I could punch right.

He holds his face and takes a few steps back. I charge my lightning and send multiple punches within seconds, but all impacting him within the next second.

He slides back and pauses, smoking and out of breath. "Try again, but with zero delay" He spits blood.


"Try again, but with zero delay" He drums his chest like a gorilla.

I do it, punching multiple times like three different people, moving at every angle he moves towards. I feel like Rock Lee from Naruto when he takes off the heavy weights and it makes me smile.

His smile disappears and his eyes widen as I punch so quick he doesn't have time to react.

I let him fall over and we both stand out of breath. I walk towards him as I jolt and jerk a few times from the electricity. "Th- Th- This is one thing I- I- I- I need to w- w- work on zzt zzt" I chuckle.

"Hey hey! What's going on here?!" Satoru steps on the field and shouts at me.

I look down at Aoi with a blank face as he does the same. I've pinned him down with my fist raised and prepared to punch him.

"She's gonna kill him!" Nishimiya almost faints as she falls into Mai's arms.

"Get off him!" Principal Yaga runs onto the field so he could grab me. Panda holds his "father" by his shoulders and shakes his head.

I smirk, looking down at Todo while he fearfully looks at me. "Prepare to meet your doom Aoi"

"(Y/n)?" Aoi looks into my eyes, I feel his heartbeat and it's rapid and heavy.

"IM THE TICKLE CURSE MWAHAHAH" I begin tickling him and he giggles like a child.

"AH AH STOP STOP I CAAAA HAHAHAHA CANT (Y/N) P P PLEAAASE AKANSXKKSMAKE" He curls and soon pushes me off. We both laugh and lay in the grass.

I hop up and look at everyone "I got you guys didn't I? Hehe" I shyly giggle.

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