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"Who are you?" Keefe asked, backing away from the blonde who had hugged him. She seemed familiar somehow... like something was just out of reach, but that wasn't possible was it?

"I'm Sophie, Keefe. Don't you remember? Sophie Foster." The blonde said, who apparently was named Sophie. But he shrugged nervously, turning away from the shocked girl in front of him. Was something wrong with her? He didn't know, but right that second all he could focus on was that he felt sore, had he fallen? All he remembered was waking up to a stranger shaking him awake and then hugging him. Than realizing he hadn't answered the strangers question he said,

"Sorry. I don't, but um. Maybe I'll remember later?" not sure what to tell the girl he backed away only to stop when the blonde took his hand. He tried to wrench it away but she held on saying, "Follow me." Maybe it was the sweetness in her voice or maybe it was the fact he had no idea where he was, but he listened too her. She led him to the glade where Kye and Ro sat and he smiled, finally someone he recognized.

"Hey Lord Hunkyhair, you finally tell your girl how you feel? I can see it in your eyes." Ro teased and he let go of Sophie's hand, confused. First off who was Lord Hunkyhair? And what exactly did Ro mean by "how he felt."?

"Um. Ro, my names Keefe. Not hunkyhair." He said politely and Ro gaped at him, she turned too Sophie who shrugged, while Kye ran up and hugged him. He smiled, kneeling down. "Hey there little sister." He whispered into her ear and Kye sprang back from him, her eyes wide.

"His memories are messed up!" She yelled and he narrowed his eyes, she'd been in his mind again? Annoying telepaths. And what exactly was she going on about? Messed up memories?

"What do you mean?" The blonde, Sophie, asked, looking worriedly from him too Kye.

"I mean... just look." Kye said, her eyes huge and Keefe stiffened when Sophie approached him. He took a step back when she came closer, and he opened his mouth to protest.

"Um. I know you guys are confused about something, and I get it if you have to have a telepath do something but could you pick someone I actually know?" He asked and watched as hurt flashed across Sophie's emotions, oh right. He was an empath, a very strong one.

"Um... sure." Sophie said and angled her eyes away from his, he thought to apologize but just shrugged it off.

"Okay imposter." Ro said, walking over too him menacingly, "who are you and what have you done with the real Lord Hunkyhair?" She held a knife too his throat and he took a quick step back.

"The name. Is Keefe." He said, gritting his teeth, why was everyone acting so weird? And since when did people call him ridiculous names like "Lord Hunkyhair?"

"Oh no it isn't, I lost a bet. The conditions were I had to always call you that." Ro said, and seemed to search his eyes as he said.

"Since when?" He asked, figuring she was being sarcastic, but when Ro responded she spoke sincerity in every word.

"A couple months ago."

"Well I don't remember that, but if it means so much to you then fine. You're released from the conditions of our bet."
He said and Ro's mouth dropped open. Ro's acting weird, he thought, feeling more confused by the minute.

Awkward silence filled the space between the conversation and he took a breath, "okay fine. If you guys trust Sophie she can look inside my head." He said and still Ro gaped at him when he said Sophie. What? Was it odd too call someone by their name?

"Okay. Thanks." Sophie said, approaching him, she flinched when he said, "great Sophie."


"They're right," Sophie murmured after she left his mind. Keefe watched, confused as she fell too her knees, dramatic much wasn't she?

"Um, someone want to tell me what's happening?" He asked as Sophie mumbled too herself.

"You forgot me." She said, as if just realizing he'd heard her.

"Yeah I got that part. I think. But if it's just one memor-"

"Um Hunkyh- I mean Keefe... Blondie over there is most certainly in lots of your memories and if you forgot her that means four things." Ro said and he looked at her, was what she was saying true?

"One. It means the Neverseen probably messed with your memories a ton, since Sophie is in practically every memory of yours since she got here." Ro said and he shook his head, the neverseen? Weren't they just a small group a rebels led by his mom who were totally failing?

"Two, it means we're going to have to spend hours explaining sooo many things too you." Ro said he groaned inwardly, just what he needed. Too sit around while people prattled on about random things he probably wouldn't understand.

"Three, the Neverseen must be planning an attack soon. And finally four, the saddest of all. You and Blondie won't get too smooch till your memories are back." Ro finished and looked thoroughly disappointed. He frowned, Ro meant Sophie right? He didn't even remember her... so she couldn't be too important. He doubted they would ever ben doing what Ro wanted them to do. So just to make sure she got the message he said,

"Um. I don't think I like Sophie like that."

Ro swore under her breath and Keefe backed away awkwardly, afraid she'd taunt him with her knife again.

"Okay Hunkyhair, and yes I'm calling you that. What happened to your memories?" Ro asked and he thought back.

"I don't think anything, honestly it's hard to believe the Neverseen could pull off something like this, they aren't very well organized." He said simply and Ro facepalmed.

"Uh Hunkyhair, if they weren't a danger Why would I be here?" Ro asked and he narrowed his eyes at the obvious answer.

"Um hello, you're my "undercover spy" the council tried to pretend you were my guardian but honestly who would believe that? You're here to watch me and make sure I don't end up like my mom." Keefe said and was surprised too see Ro sigh in relief.

"Okay since they gave you such horrible memories that means there plan can't be very well done. Who would believe I was responsible enough to watch over a kid? To report on him? I'd rather join him." Ro said, and then muttered something to herself.

"Look. I'll let you guys do all the telepathy tricks you want, but when it doesn't work just leave me be." Keefe said, getting fed up with all the things he supposedly didn't know.

"Okay." Sophie said quietly, her face was that of mortification.

"We're going to HavenField.


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