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"What?" Keefe turned to face his father, disgust when he saw him, he hadn't even greeted him. Winner of the greatest father he was not.

"Yes." Lord Cassius said, stalking closer as Mr.Forkle remained silent, staring intently at Lord Cassius, were they communicating telepathically?

Tension filled the room as the silence continued, the only sound was the murmer or breathing around the room, even Sophie stood stoic, her eyes turning huge. Was she in the mind conversation too?

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Keefe asked, not realizing how tense he sounded till Sophie walked towards him, and reached for his hand.

"Ah. Lovely to see my son has decided to speak, I heard that you weren't. And it may surprise you that this made me concerned." Lord Cassius said, his tone seeming forceful at his last word, as if he couldn't speak out the word.

"Oh you were concerned were you?That's funny considering you never came to see me at the healing center, or Splendor Plains. And I bet you hardly even noticed I was missing." Keefe said bitterly, letting go of Sophie's hand and stalking over too his father.

"Now. The only reason we are talking is because I believe you have some information I need. So spill it." Keefe said icily, but his mood dropped when Lord Cassius shook his head.

"No. My words don't go for free, and although I did sign a deal with Mr.Forkle I haven't gotten one with you."

Keefe started at him in rage. Once again his dad was bargaining with crucial information, using every asset too his advantage, no matter the situation, the people, he was only out to help himself.

I know what you're thinking. And not because I'm inside your mind. Sophie's soft voice rang inside his head.

He's horrible you know that? I have half a mind to toss him into a pile of alicorn poop till he begs to be helped out. Keefe thought back, pictures in his mind that looked admittedly amazing at the sight.

Only half a mind? You can do better than that Keefe. I wonder what would happen if it was your whole one, though that makes me wonder if you do have one. Sophie transmitted, offering him a smile as he lifted an eyebrow,

That hurts Foster. You know the Great gluon incident wouldn't have happened without my imagination.

Imagination indeed, Sophie thought back, her transmissions almost teasing. But I thought you had nothing to do with it?

Never said I did. But let's face it Foster, a telepath probably snuck inside my mind and found the idea amongst my fabulous thoughts. Keefe smirked as Foster rolled her eyes.

Oh yeah? And what telepath would that be? Because I didn't even know I was an elf before that. And pranks like that aren't really Fitz style. Sophie transmitted intently, as if daring him too go on.

See and I think that's just your cover story. You knew all along and put on a show for Fitzy, you'd long ago heard of that lovable nut named Keefe and when you finally found him you took your chance and-

"Are we too assume you two don't care about the family anymore? Because if you're done with your secret conversations we can figure out a deal." Lord Cassius said dryly, interrupting Keefe's thoughts and souring the mood in the room. He was just about to fling Krakie at his father when he heard Sophie's voice in his head once more. Reassuring, sweet, Foster.

Let's just find out what he wants.

Than her transmission paused, as if a gap had forced its way between them. But he could still feel her presence in his head as she transmitted a sentence that brought his smile back.

After Unlocked, a sokeefe Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now