Sophie lifted an eyebrow at Ro's started accusations. She was acting like Keefe has a thing for her. What was she even talking about? Sure Keefe flirted now and than. And he had been acting especially nicer recently. But that didn't mean he had a crush on-

"You're right Okay?!" Keefe yelled, silencing Ro.



"You're right that I think Fitz should be better too her, you're right that I'm scared out of my mind too tell her that I smile every time I think of her,"

No. She thought, repeating the words a thousands times over in her head as Keefe prattled on. This couldn't be happening.

"you're right that I fell for someone who wouldn't even know it if I wrote the words on my forehead."

He couldn't mean...

"You're right, you're so right. There I said it. Is that what you wanted to hear? Is that why you've been nagging me about it for months?  Keefe glared at Ro and Sophie couldn't help but be dumbfounded at the look in his eyes. Keefe was quiet for a few seconds and she assumed that meant the end of the memory. She began to pull herself out of his mind when she heard five simple words.

"I'm in love with her."

Her heart twisted in ways almost unimaginable as she realized his words.

"I'm ridiculously in love with Sophie Elizabeth Foster."


"I'm ridiculously in love with Sophie Elizabeth Foster."

At first it didn't hit her. At first all she could think about was the word he'd used to describe it.


But than...

He'd said...

In love

With Sophie. Elizabeth Foster.

Her mind tried to wrap itself around the conclusion but it didn't work as she repeated those words in her head.

Sophie Elizabeth Foster, Sophie Elizabeth Foster, Sophie Eli... that was her. Right? She wasn't just going crazy at the fact that she'd been inside Keefe's mind? Right? Right?!?

Her breathing turned irregular as she let herself out of his mind and she paled at the thought of him watching her.

This was a joke again. She told herself, trying to control her rapid heart rate.


Because this was... he was...

It was Keefe.

And that had been his past. And he never went this far in a joke.

Which meant...

He loved her.

She paled at this thought and her doubts almost convinced her she was wrong, but that's when she looked at Keefe, and his expression...

It was full of care and concern, but something deeper, something that could never be concealed again was showing as if it had been there all along.

And that's when she knew it was true.

Her rapid breathing slowed as she thought about this, this couldn't be happening. This was... a dream? Seemed like the most likely option.

"It's true Foster." A nervous voice rang out, silencing her former thoughts and pulling her out of her blanket of denial.

She lifted her head to stare at Keefe as he chewed his lip.

After Unlocked, a sokeefe Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now