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A/N Okay quick note here, i decided that Lilly and Peter now live in the tree house together and there is stairs in there.

Lilly's P.O.V

Pan intertwined our fingers and we teleported back. We arrived back in my bedroom.

"I take it I can't change into my wolf to hunt?" I ask.

"No it would be too dangerous, we don't want you or the baby getting hurt" he said whilst giving me a kiss.

"So what can I do then?, I'm getting bored"  I asked.

"Well for starters we need to go tell the boys" he replied.

"How will they react?" I asked.

"Dont worry, they will be fine" he chuckled. He held my hand once again and teleported us outside. The boys were all playing games. Dangerous ones that made me cringe. Pan whistled and all the boys heads snapped around and cheered. Then they all gathered round. My heart started beating faster, my palms got more sweaty.

"Alright boys! I got an anoucement to make! I would say, in about 3-5 months. We will be having a new Lost Boy!" He shouted. All the boys started to cheer.

"Or a girl" I nudged him.

"Oh yeah, or a girl" he laughed.

"Where is it?!" Dax asked excitedly.

"In me" I smiled.

"How did that happen?" Dax looked confused.

"Its when two people start to..." A lost boy explained.

"You don't need to know!" I cut the lost boy off.

Pan just laughed.

"Anyway, who wants to have a party!?" Pan cheered.

All the boys cheered and lit the fire. Robbie gestgured me to sit down so I did. He started playing his music as the boys danced.

'Well well well, it looks like he is trying to hide me from you' A voice in my head came.

'You can run but you can't hide, just remember your gonna have to stop at one point, good luck keeping your kid away from me' It laughed.

A tear fell from my eye. Pan noticed. He quickly rushed over to me.

"What's wrong?!" He asked worried. "Wait" He teleported us to our tree house.

"Somebody wants our baby, and he said that you can't hide me anymore" I explained.

"Curtis" Pan growled.

"Who's Curtis?" I asked.

"An old enemy of mine, I killed his sister because she killed my brother" He explained.

"You had a brother?!"

"Yep, he was second in control, younger than me clearly, but he was the only family i had, so i killed her" He explained. You could see the tears forming, but he blinked and they vanished. It was like a dark cloud formed in his eyes. All the hatred bundled up, ready to explode. Like a time bomb.

"Im really sorry" I tried to comfort him.

"Yeah well its the past" And with that he pushed past me and stormed off.

Together again - (a Peter Pan from ouat fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now