chapter 48

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O.W.L.s had managed to come quickly, almost too quickly to the fifth year students at Hogwarts. Every single one of them was cramming for the test, books in front of them every time someone saw them. At lunch and dinner, most of the house tables would be covered in notes and textbooks, people looking over material and helping each other study.

It definitely was taking a toll on a certain friend group, all of them stressed and their anxiety skyrocketing. The Ravenclaw friends and Golden Trio studied together every second they got, desperate to do good. Most of them wanted to be Aurors or go into the Ministry, the O.W.L.s being a crucial role in getting there.

The group spent most nights in each other's dorms, common rooms, and the library. They could always be found with their faces stuffed into books. Wether it be walking to class, or simply sitting down at a table, there was always some sort of school material in front of them.


"And a Metamorphmagus is?"

"A witch or wizard that can change their appearance at their own will," Y/N answered, Corey shooting her a small smile as they walked towards the Great Hall. "Good," he said as he looked back down to the textbook in his hand, "And what's the Exstimulo Potion?"

Y/N thought for a second, pursing her lips together as she hugged a notebook to her chest. The two turned a corner, growing close to the large wooden doors of the Great Hall. "Uh, it's a spell enhancer? It boosts the power of the drinker to make their spells easier to cast, more powerful...?"

Corey nodded with a small smile. "Right, here." He handed her the textbook, the two now in the large room, chatter being heard around them. They spotted their friends, and of course, their faces were practically in the books on the tables. Y/N softly snickered at them as she turned back to Corey, looking down at the pages in front of her.

"Alright, your turn, Cor. What's Garrotting Gas?"

The boy held a blank emotion, his mouth slightly parting as his mind went empty. "Uh..." Y/N smirked at him as they approached the Ravenclaw table. "C'mon, you've got it." He thought for a second, his eyebrows creasing together. "It's a potion used to induce choking. Can't it suffocate the drinker?"

Y/N nodded with a small smile before ruffling his hair. "Such a smart kid," she said teasingly, Corey shooing her away as he tried to fix his hair. She laughed at him as she took a spot in between Ron and Karan, both boys looking distressed. The whole group look tired, Sofia and Jenna practically falling asleep on each other as Brianne's face laid flat on the pages of her notebook. Harry and Hermione were quizzing each other, Brett's eyes scanning over the writing in front of him.

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