chapter 2

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  The sound of the TV welcomed the three cousins as they entered the Dursley home, the background noise of chatter that Y/N and Harry immediately recognized as her parents and the two head Dursley's talking making them groan.

The house was sweltering with heat, this summer being one of the hottest ever recorded. Y/N looked to Dudley, the boy still in his somewhat trance. She rolled her eyes as she and Harry walked him over to the white door that lead to the living room, swinging it open.

Y/N's parents turned to Harry and Y/N with a smile, but it dropped as they saw the distressed state of the three. Vernon and Petunia immediately ran to their son, disregarding the two cousins next to him as they pushed Y/N and Harry to the side. Y/N stumbled back a bit, Harry catching her before she could fall.

Her mom and dad made their way over, concerned looks on their faces as they checked the two.

"Good heavens, you two look like you've seen a ghost," he mother said, cupping Harry's face as she looked at the flushed state of the raven-haired boy. Y/N's father held Y/N, pressing a kiss to her temple.

"You two alright? What happened?"

"You see-"

"They did it," Dudley said, cutting Y/N off as he pointed to the two cousins. "She-She did it!"

Y/N looked at Dudley with an enraged look from her father's hold as she glared at him. "I haven't done anything but save your life, and for the hundredth time might I add!"

"Happy, are we," Vernon said, glaring at Y/N and Harry. "You've finally driven him loopy!"

"My daughter has done nothing of that sort," Y/N's mother spat back, her father quickly agreeing. Vernon and Petunia looked at the two adults holding the children, both having offended looks on their faces.

"I have had it," Vernon exclaimed, "I've had enough of you and your family's nonsense!"

"Please, like we haven't been fed up with you three for years," Y/N's father yelled back. The atmosphere grew thick, no one uttering a word. Y/N turned as she heard a noise from behind her, the sight of an owl flying in through the open back door.

It dropped a letter in front of Y/N as it hit the ceiling, falling to the floor with a thud. Y/N slightly cringed at the sight, Vernon backing up as everyone watched Y/N crouch down to pick it up, her fingers grasping the object.

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