chapter 36

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    The two cousins once more stood at the front of the Room of Requirements, their friends surrounding them. Y/N looked out at the group in front of her, George and Fred sending her a small smirk each, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she looked away.

"Alright, that's all for this lesson," Harry said happily with a grin, his eyes flickering over the people in front of him. The Ravenclaw friend group, Ron, and Hermione all stood behind Y/N, and Harry, each with smiles as the two cousins closed up the last meeting before break.

"Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays," the raven-haired boy said, a collective groan going throughout the room as everyone started to protest. "But," Y/N cut in with a smirk, "Just keep practicing. Do as best as you can." Harry nodded, "Right, and well done everyone!" Y/N immediately nodded as well, "Honestly, great work. You're all improving."

Everyone in the room started to clap for the two, Harry and Y/N looking at each other with small smiles before they turned to their friends who were clapping for them as well. Corey, being the supportive friend he is, started to whistle, soft laughs being heard from the group at the boy's antics. Ron leaned over to whisper in Harry's ear, "Well done, mate." The boy flashed his best friend a smile as Y/N felt a kiss being placed to her cheek, the girl turning to be met with Sofia's smirking state. "Nice job, (Y/N/N)."

Y/N sent her best friend a goofy grin before her eyes flickered over towards Hermione, the bushy-haired girl already looking at her with a smile. Her smile seemed to widen as Y/N's eyes connected with hers, her cheeks turning a light pink that Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at. Sending her a subtle wink and a grin, she turned back around with Harry. She watched how Cho was looking at him, the boy somewhat oblivious to it. A smirk rose to her lips as she nudged him with her elbow.

"Cho's looking at you," she mumbled out quietly, only the two of them hearing. The group in front of them started to disperse as Harry watched Cho walk to the back of the room near a mirror, the picture of Cedric in his Auror uniform on the glass. Y/N had put it up there at the beginning of the D.A. meetings, knowing Cedric would've gladly joined if he weren't working as an Auror.

Y/N looked back at her friends, all of them noticing the boy looking at the older Ravenclaw. Brett and Karan walked up to Y/N, slinging their arms over her shoulder as they all shared knowing looks with a smirk. They slowly started to back away from the boy and towards the rest of their friends, Brett placing a hand on Harry's shoulder before they walked away. "Good luck, Harry. Just remember, use protection if shagging occurs."

Harry's cheeks lit up into a pink hue as he glared at Y/N and the two boys, all of them chuckling. Harry turned back to face Cho, watching her once more from across the room. As Y/N approached her friends, she left Karan and Brett's hold to go towards Hermione, immediately grasping her hand in hers. Their fingers intertwined perfectly as Hermione wore a goofy grin, the group starting to make their way out of the Room of Requirements as everyone wished each other happy holidays.

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