chapter 25

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𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕊𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥




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      Over the next few weeks, Y/N and her friends had made it their top priority to get people to sign up for their secret 'army'. Y/N had gotten a few students in younger years to agree and spread the word, and Ron had asked his brothers, the two twins immediately agreeing and offering in helping to spread the word. Now, they had well over twenty participants, the group satisfied with the amount of people willing to join.

Along with the secret army, Hermione and Y/N's relationship had been growing more. The two would practically spend every day together, not to mention every second they got. Both girls were always at each other's sides when they could be, neither of them complaining seeing as though they were more drawn to each other.

The tension between them was a bit different, almost more intimate, more...loving. Both girls knew they fancied each other immensely, but over the course of the past few weeks those feelings had only intensified. Y/N and Hermione knew they were falling for each other, but it was coming as a surprise at how quickly. Now all they had to do was sit back and see how long it would take for each to finally admit how much they really liked each other.


"Hermione, come on. I've been waiting to cuddle for an hour!"

"Be patient," Hermione yelled from the bathroom of the Prefect's room, "I've only been in here for twenty minutes!"

Y/N huffed as she sunk back into the bed, picking up her phone as she scrolled through it. It was a Friday, so there was no school tomorrow. Y/N and Hermione had both agreed to spend the night in the Ravenclaw Prefect room seeing as it gave them privacy away from their friends, away from the rest of the school.

The two girls had been growing closer, both eager to spend time with each other as their relationship grew. They had become more intimate with each other, the two always sneaking out late at night in the Prefect passageways to sneak in late night make outs. Neither girl was complaining, though, especially with the new levels that they were reaching with their relationship.

There had been another incident in which Y/N and Hermione were interrupted, this time it being Brett and Corey who walked in on the two in a heated make out session, Hermione's shirt off with Y/N's white button up half undone. Both girls were annoyed when they were interrupted, Corey and Brett apologizing profusely as their hands clamped over their eyes as they quickly exited the bedroom.

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