chapter 18

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    Almost a week and a half after Hermione and Y/N's fight, and the tension between the two was still thick. Neither had apologized, probably out of stubbornness, which only lead to the two only ignoring each other.

It didn't help that they nearly had every class together, along with sitting next to each other for all of them except for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Every time Y/N would take her seat next to Hermione she'd say nothing, only talking to anyone else other than her girlfriend.

It's not like Hermione minded. She practically knew she would erupt into tears if Y/N talked to her, knowing it was mostly the cause of her words for why they were acting so distant.

Their friends had noticed the tension between the two immediately, Brianne and Ron asking Y/N what was wrong, but she only shrugged them off, stating that nothing was going on and they were just having an off week. The two friends didn't buy it, but they knew better than to push the girls for the right answer, especially with the way the two had been acting towards each other.

Hermione would steal glances at Y/N every chance she got, but the looks wouldn't be received as Y/N either didn't look back or simply didn't realize she was staring. It pained Hermione that her girlfriend wouldn't talk to her, but she knew she needed to time, especially with the things she had said.

Harry had written Sirius a few days ago, talking about school, work, and their lives at Hogwarts along with updates on everything that was happening with he and Y/N. He talked about the weather changing, winter growing nearer each day, their friends, their teachers.

Y/N was glad that she and Harry had such a close relationship with their uncle, especially given that he was like a father to Harry, just like her father was to him as well.

Y/N's mind had been running crazy for the past few days. From her fight with Hermione, to Umbridge being the person she was, she needed to clear her mind.


       Y/N walked down the hill outside of Hogwarts, the sight of Hagrid's hut coming into view. She walked alone, hugging her arms around herself as she played with sleeves of her hoodie. The cool autumn air hit her a bit harshly, a chill running through her.

She walked down the hill towards the hut, approaching it as she walked up the few front steps. She looked at the wooden door, her mind racing as she thought of how dearly she missed Hagrid, the man who was always there to cheer her up.

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