Kind words

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As Ryder finished his singing, the door to the attic opened, and came in Humdinger and the Earl, the pups quickly went into hiding, except Chase. . .

"There!" Humdinger started as he showed the Earl to Ryder "see I told you, there's no one of any importance"

"well see about that" The Earl replied back at Humdinger 

"Sir" The Earl spoke in a gentle tone to Ryder 

Ryder let out a small bow to the Earl to show respect, without saying a word 

"you are requested and required to present yourself to your queen" The Earl told him 

Humdinger went up to Ryder and told him. . .

"I forbid you to do this!" Humdinger whispered scolded at Ryder 

"And I forbid you to forbid him" the Earl spoke up to Humdinger "who you to stop an Earl of the queen" Earl spoke to Humdinger in a serious tone "are you an empress?, a saint?, a deity?"

"I am his Father" Humdinger said as he looked at Ryder 

Ryder walked up towards Humdinger, and said in a gentle tone "you have never been" he said to Humdinger " and, you will never be my Father" as Chase growled at Humdinger in a low tone  

Both Humdinger and Ryder looked at one another, without saying a word, as the Earl spoke to Ryder, in a gentle tone. . . "Come now, Sir" as the Earl walked out the door waiting for Ryder to follow 

Ryder walked towards the door, along with Chase and the rest of the pups, that came out from under the bed, just as Ryder walked past Humdinger, Humdinger gripped on to Ryder's arm and said to him. . .

"Just remember who you are!, you pest!" Humdinger whisper scolded at Ryder, but then left go, of his arm, as Ryder kept walking towards the door, with the pups, as Ryder closed the attic door . . .

Once Ryder and the pups were out of the attic, along with the Earl, Chase and Marshall ran towards the cage where, Skye and Everest were being held, along with the rest of the pups, as the pups went for a group hug. . .

"We're glad you two are alright" Chase said to the both of them 

"us too" Skye replied 

as the pups let go of the group hug, they all followed, Ryder and the Earl down stirs. . .


What who he was, who he really was, be enough?, there was no magic to help Ryder this time, this was perhaps the greatest risk that he will ever take, to be seen, as he truly his. . .

Ryder looked at a near by mirror, for a moment and looked at himself, as he heard the kind words, of his kind father 'have courage and be be kind' his father's voice said in his mind, as Ryder smiled, and walked towards the living room, were queen Katie, waits for him.


Reet . . . This was a wild ride for this kid, along with his pups, and animal friends. . . bye 

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