Last strike of midnight/Escape/transformation

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Right before Ryder could answer Katie's question, The bell from the bell tower suddenly began to rang.

"I have to leave" Ryder said as he realized, that he had to leave right away "it's hard to explain" he told Katie "cat's and pumpkins and-thing's" he said as he quickly got up and ran out the garden door...

"wait!" Katie called out as she just stood there confused "where are you going?" 

"you've been real nice, thank you a wonderful evening, I loved it!, every second!" Ryder replied back, as he ran off after saying the last part of his sentence 

Katie just stood there real confused, as she sat on the swing just to think of what he just said...

"cat's and pumpkins?" Katie said to herself, as she soon realized this was just like a Cinderella story but differently, as she quickly got up from the swing and ran after him

Ryder quickly ran back through the garden, through the private room were he and Katie talked, and quickly ran through the ball room were the people kept dancing...

"Excuse me!, very sorry, excuse me!" Ryder said as he ran past the people

Katie just made ran her way into to the ball room, just as she ran through the crowed she was dragged away, by Harold as he pulled her into a dance, as Katie tried to go after Ryder.

Ryder ran up the stairs to his way to the exit, while underneath the stair two royal servants were looking through some cards trying to find the name of the boy who danced with Katie

"His name you slow pokes!, get his nam-!" the royal announcer said as he walked under the stair case, but banged himself on the stair case "Oof!, that really hurt!"

Ryder ran into the hall way, but almost accidently bumped into the princess of Barkingburg, as he gasped, almost crashing into her 

"your highness!" Ryder said as he sweated a bit 

"gentleman" The princess said in response 

"I'm so sorry!" Ryder said as he bowed, to show respect to her 

"oh think nothing of it, my dear" the princess said with a soft smile, as Ryder nodded and ran past her.

Ryder turned for a minute and told the princess... "I wanted to say your highness, your sister Kat is the most lovely person I ever met, so amazing and brave, I hope you know how much she loves you... Excuse me!" He told the princess in a rush, before running off again, as the princess stood pleasured by his words.

Ryder ran out the palace doors, and down the stone stairs, were his carriage waits, as Kwazii was napping and suddenly wake up.

As Ryder ran down the stone stairs, he felt his glass shoe slip off his foot, there for back inside the castle, Katie ran as fast as she could through the hall ways, while calling out...

"Wait!" as she ran out of the palace doors, along with the Earl and the captain of the guards behind her

As for Ryder, he stopped for a second to try and retreat his glass shoe, but Katie was already heading his way, as she called...

"Wait!" she called out "were are you going?!" 

So without hesitation, Ryder left his glass shoe on the stoned stairs 

"Hurry!" Ryder said as he jump into the carriage, as Kwazii quickly closed the carriage doors, and held on "Hurry please Honey lemon!" Ryder said to the tall female coachman, as the carriage swiftly left in a hurry, and out the castle gates. 

"Wait!" Katie called as she reached the end the stairs, as she saw the glass shoe on the stairs, and gently picked it up...

"Earl, my horse" Katie said to Earl

"I'm afraid, we can't do that your Highness, your sister needs you here" The Captain of the guards said to Katie, as The Guard ran to his horse to follow the carriage along with some other guards "Earl!" as the captain of the guards called out to the Earl

"out of all of them, you had to pick that one, didn't you?" the Earl said to the Katie, as the Earl ran to his horse to catch up with the Captain 

"Yes, I did" Katie said with a smile


As the Captain of the guards and the Earl, and along with other guard's all rode their horses, and chased after the golden carriage, while at the same time the bell tower rang, on the strike of the first ring of midnight, then the second, and so on...

Meanwhile as the carriage kept strolling as fast as it can go, Ryder looked out of the carriage window as he saw the guards and the Earl rode after them, as Ryder called out to honey lemon... "Hurry!, Honey lemon!" he called out...

"Come on!" Honey lemon shouted as she held on to the rains of the horses, as the horses ran as fast as they can they came across a ledge "Be careful Honey lemon!" Ryder warned, as the carriage made a U turn, as Ryder held tight as he saw the ledge from the window and as the carriage was back on the four wheels "Oh my goodness!" Ryder said in total shocked.

As the bell from the bell tower kept ringing, The guards and the Earl were already catched up to the carriage from behind, as the the Captain of the guard called out "You there! Stop!, In the name of the princess!"

"Such bad timing" Ryder said from the inside of the carriage 

Kwazii was already panicking as he held on to the carriage, as his cat tail start to appear due to the transformation, while at the same time he had an idea, from the side of the bell tower he saw a lever, he reached for the lever with his tail and pulled the lever down causing the tower bell's gate to close on the Guards and the Earl, as the carriage made there escape.

"YAOW!" Kwazii yowled 

As for the bell was close to it's final ring's, the horses started to transform back into pups as they kept running, Ryder was in shocked knowing that everything and everyone was about to go back to normal, Honey lemon started to transform back into a horse, and as Kwazii was transforming back into his cat from...

"Oh no, no, no, no" Ryder said repeated, as Kwazii was already his cat from, and held on to the carriage as it kept moving...

and as for the carriage it started turning back into a pumpkin, with Ryder inside it, the pups were quickly turning back into their normal selves as some of the pups were just starting to transforming back to themselves, at this point the carriage was already out of control, as the pumpkin started shrinking...

"no please" Ryder said as the tried to hold on a little longer, and was already being tighten from the size of the pumpkin

as the the last pup was was transformed back to normal, the pups moved out of the way as they chased after the pumpkin, as Ryder was still inside the pumpkin, as it bounded off the ground, and was cracked open by a near by log, as Ryder flew out, with his old rags, and landed on the ground, as the transformation ended.

"Wow that was a crazy ride" Ryder said as he stood up 

"you can say that again" Marshall said, with dizziness 

"Ryder look!" Skye said as she pointed at Ryder's foot

As Ryder looked down at his foot, he saw he still wear the one glass shoe, as he took the glass shoe off his foot, and looked at it, and said...

"looks like not everything, went back to way it was" he said as he looked at the glass shoe and whisper "...Thank you" as He and the pups walked back home, along with Kwazii and Spirit, with the glass shoe in his hands.


Reet hope you guys like this chapter, the story is half way finished, bye.                                                         

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