Fairy Hedgefather/you shall go to the ball

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As Ryder, kept sobbing with the pups by his side, he nor the pups didn't realized, that there was an old male person behind them, who spoke up...

"Excuse me?" The mysteries old man said 

Ryder gasped in surprised, as the pups got into a protective mood, and let out low growls.

"Hold on pups" Ryder told the pups as they obeyed 

"Can you help, young sir?" asked the old mysteries fellow "just a little crust of bread, or drink?" 

"yes, I think I can find something for you" Ryder said, as he went somewhere to locate anything for the old man.

As Ryder poured a cup of water from a near by water pump, and old man asked...

"Why you crying?" 

"It's nothing" Ryder replied as he headed the cup with water to the old man, as the old man drinked the cup

"Nothing?, hm, nothing, what is a bowl of water?, nothing, but kindness make's it every thing" the old man said as finished the drink, and let out a small burb, as Ryder let out a small giggle "now I don't mean to hurry you but, you haven't got long Ryder." The old man said 

"...How do you know me?" Ryder asked "Who are you?"

"who am I?" The old man said "I thought you would figure that out, I'm your Fairy Hedgefather" 

"You can't be" Ryder said 

"Why not?" the old man asked 

"They don't exist, there just made up" Ryder said 

"Didn't your own father believe in them?, cause I heard him" the old man replied 

"you heard him?" Ryder asked confused 

"oh fiddle fuddle" The old man said as he got up with his staff, and walked to the garden "Right first thing's first, let me slip into something more comfortable" he said, as he actives his staff as it glowed, and through it up in the air as the old man transformed into a silver hedgehog.

Ryder and the pups gasped in surprised, along with the rest of the animals, of what they just have seen.

"that's better" Silver said as he cracked a bit his neck "Now were was I?" 

"How did you?" Ryder asked as he walked up to Silver 

"Oh yes, let see what we need is something sorta that say's coach" Silver said 

"How about, that turnip" Ryder said pointing to the turnip in the garden 

"Doesn't really say coach" Silver said "No, I'm really liking, fruit and vetch, do you grow watermelons?" Silver asked 

"No" Ryder said


"I don't even know what that is"

"beef tomato?"

"we do have pumpkins" Ryder said 

"Oh, that will do" Silver said as the two made their way to the pumpkin shed " this will be a first for me, this should be interesting" as silver looked around for the perfect pumpkin "ah! that will do" Silver said as he cut the pumpkin with his wand and carried it "Oof heavy pumpkin!" he said, as Ryder helped out,  as the two tried to kept their balance, due to the heaviness of the pumpkin, as they placed the pumpkin in the middle of the shed 

"let's do it here" Silver said

"do what, here?" Ryder asked 

"turn the pumpkin into the carriage" Sliver said "Oh your making me nervous actually" 

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