Chapter 14:- Disclosures

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Well peeps our protagonist is officially deceased for the rest of the world. Well lets jump into this chapter.

Ash groggily opened his eyes. For some reason he had the best sleep ever in his life. He was feeling extremely relaxed and calm. He felt something heavy on his body. He looked to see that Serena was sleeping on top of him, with her head on his chest and a wide smile on her face. "Ashy I love you too.." she mumbled in her sleep. Ash chuckled at this. "I love you too Honey." He whispered, not waking her up. He then remembered the events of last night and got a huge blush on his face. 'She can be really naughty too. I loved it though.'  He thought. He laid there so as to not wake her up. Soon, Serena woke up and saw Ash below her. She blushed heavily thinking how bold she had become last night. She went to peck him on the cheek but Ash surprised her by pulling her into a kiss on the lips. He surprised her even more by making it into a Kalos Kiss. "Morning Honey." Ash said breathing heavily. "You weren't sleeping?" Serena asked surprised. "No, I just wanted to stare at that beautiful face. So did you like my morning gift."
"No I didn't like it."Ash was disappointed. "I loved it." Serena said and beamed, cheering Ash up.
"Alright you freshen up. I'll go help Grace."
"Sure Ashy."

Ash came down and started helping Grace with the breakfast. The doorbell rang . "Ash could you check it please?" Grace asked. "Sure." Ash said put his disguise on and went to open the door.
"Yes,who might you be?" Ash asked changing his voice. A guy who was looking similar to him in clothing had jet black hair and a mega ring in his wrist.
"Umm... Are Serena or her mom home?" The boy asked
"Yes they are but who are you?" Ash asked again.
"My name is Calem." Hearing that sent Ash into rage.
"OUT!!!" He shouted.
"Who are you anyways?" Calem asked cockily.
"I know what you have done and I am Greg Serena's best friend. Now out of here." He shouted again. Hearing this Grace came to the door.
"What are you doing here Calem? We don't have anything to do with you. Don't you dare come here again." Grace warned him.
"Please Grace. I am sorry for my actions. I just want to explain my reasons to you and Serena. After that I will go." Calem begged.
"What makes you think we should let you?" Grace asked.
"Here all my pokeballs. I surrender. You can do anything with me. I will leave immediately after explaining." He said and handed his pokeballs to Grace.
"Fine. On the couch there." Grace said and let him in. Ash was fuming with rage.
"Dont you dare try anything funny or I will gladly make you my Charizard's lunch." Ash/Greg said angrily.
"Please, I understand your concern. I didn't want to do that too. Hear me out once." Calem said. Ash called out Lucario and explained everything to him. He asked Lucario to check his aura. Lucario sensed guilt, regret and sadness. Upon getting this information, Ash calmed down. Soon Serena came down. She was shocked to see Calem inside her house. Seeing her Ash immediately went and hugged her. He whispered everything into her ear and told her to maintain the fake tale that was told to Palermo yesterday. It took her a few minutes to take everything in but Ash's embrace calmed her down. Soon all three of them sat in front of Calem, glaring at him.
"Serena I'm really sorry for my actions. I heard about your crush Ash's death and thats why I came here to be there for you."
Calem started
"BOYFRIEND" Serena corrected him.
"So you are here to add salt to her wounds? Grace asked.
"And don't worry I am here for her support as a friend, even though it doesn't make any difference since no one can replace Ash for her." Greg/Ash said faking.
"Look, I am not here for getting in a relationship with you Serena. I just wanted to tell you that I had to do what I did that day. I had no other choice."
"What do you mean explain properly?" Serena said in a low sad voice.
"Alright, let me explain from the beginning. Serena, you see my dad was the part of the Kalos Elite 4. He wanted to be the Champion but he couldn't beat the Champion at that time no matter how much he tried. He started losing control over himself and started drinking a lot. He even lost his position as the elite four due to his habits. He always blamed the Champion for his failures and wanted revenge from him. One day he was cheating on his girlfriend at that time. The Champion saw this and informed her about it. My dad didn't love her truly because he was cheating willingly. But his thirst for revenge grew further. His girlfriend left him and he was put behind bars for attacking the champion. When he was set free his parents made him marry my mother. My mother was from a poor household so she didn't mind. But dad's thirst for revenge was not quenched. He got the news that the champion had disappeared and he grew insane for not getting his revenge. Years went by. I was born in that period. Then after we moved to Vaniville Town, one day he saw me playing with you. He was about to come and pick me up when your mom came. Thats when his plan for revenge ignited inside him." Calem took a pause.
"What but why Serena and Grace? What has this got anything to do with them?" Ash/Greg asked and Serena nodded.
"Because John was the Kalos Champion." Grace said leaving Serena and Ash shocked.
"W..what? Mom... why didn't you tell me?" Serena asked.
"I didn't want danger for you Serena. After your dad disappeared I retired and tried to keep a low life. It could have hurt you." Grace said with tears. Serena went and hugged her mom.
"Sorry mom" She said between sobs.
"Don't be dear. Its not your fault. Anyways Calem continue." Grace said.
Calem started "My dad told me to propose you to be my girlfriend. I never was interested in you that way but he forced me. I was reluctant at first but did it anyway. I thought you would reject me and be away from me, safe. But you were too nice. You still kept me as your best friend. Dad used to beat me up sometimes but I never budged. I wanted you to be my best friend. Time went by. But one day he found out my secret. I.. am...." Calem stuttered.
"What happened Calem.?" Grace asked now curious.
"I am Gay." Calem blurted out. He was expecting disgusting looks from them but got none.
"Huh? You guys are not disgusted?" Asked a confused Calem.
"Why would we be? It's natural" Serena answered.
"Thank you so much." Calem said with a smile and continued. "Dad threatened me that he would spread this everywhere and also started beating me up pretty bad. Everyone would have left me if that happened. He then told me he would kill both me and mom if I didn't get physical with you." Grace and Serena gasped. "I had no problem with dying, but I couldn't let mom. Thats why I had to do it. But when Grace caught me, his plan failed. He wanted to take revenge from your dad by humiliating you Serena. I was glad that Grace caught me. Dad removed me from the house that day to save himself and called me a disgrace. I had nothing left. All friends hated me. I tried again and again to explain to you everything but you didn't listen. Both my family and you told me that I would be nothing in life. I jumped into a cargo vessel and left for another region. I was wandering aimlessly in the woods when I met a guy. He and his girlfriend gave me food and shelter for some days and a chespin they found injured and nursed to start my journey with. When I told him everything in short, leaving all the Champion stuff since it must be kept confidential, he told me that its not your fault Serena. I was seeking revenge from everyone but he told me to explain everything to you and ask for forgiveness. Because of him, now I am a league winner now and also dating a guy freely, without any shame. None of this was your fault to being with Serena. I am really sorry." Calem finished.
All three of them didn't know what to say. Sure, Grace knew the man who seeked revenge from her husband but didn't know he was Calem's father and would stoop this low. Both Ash and Serena knew he was saying the truth, seeing the guilt in is eyes.
"Why are you telling this now?" Ash asked.
"Because now I can stand upto my Dad easily since I have gotten really strong. I moved my mother to a new house and my dad is almost dead. They will remove him from life support now since he has no chance of survival. I had promised that man that I will ask for your forgiveness no matter what." Calem said.
"I understand if you don't believe me Serena. I just wanted to prove that I am a good person. What I did was wrong but I had to do it for my mom's safety. And I am really sorry for your Boyfriend's death. I know how much you loved him and he was indeed a noble soul. Hope he rests in peace." Calem said.
"No Calem. I believe you. I never thought you would do something like this ever, thats why I never maintained a very long distance between us. After you, mom never let me talk to any other guy. That was until I left to journey with Ash. I am sorry you had to go through all that for me Calem." Serena said calmly.
"Its okay Serena. I promise to help you however I can from now on. Although I dont think we can go back to how we were before, can we be friends again?" Calem asked shyly.
"Sure Calem." Serena replied and side hugged him.
"Sorry about everything Serena and Grace. And thanks for listening to me everyone. I'll see you guys later." Calem said and left.
"Goodbye Calem. Take care." All of them said in unison as Calem left.
"Well that was nice right Serena?" Ash asked relieved.
"Ya."Serena replied.
Nothing much happened later in the day. Ash trained with his pokemon in Grace's backyard with his disguise on. Serena was relieved that Calem was a good person after all.
(Next Day)
Serena and Ash got up late today. They both came and had brunch after freshening up.
"Serena a parcel had come for you this morning." Grace informed her.
"Huh? What is it and who sent it?" Serena asked.
"I didn't open it yet. It was sent from some Aether Paradise." Grace said
Ash ears perked up hearing this.
"Aether Paradise. That means its Lillie." Ash smiled.
"Who is Lillie?" Grace asked skeptical.
"She is my friend from Alola. She and Brock were the ones who helped me realize my feelings for Serena." Ash replied
"Alright then let's open it first." Serena said. Grace went and got the parcel. When Serena opened the parcel, she gasped. What she saw was a pokemon egg in an incubator. It was purplish white in colour with some paw marks on it.
"Wow its so beautiful. I wonder what pokemon will come from it." Serena exclaimed.
"Lets call Professor Kukui. I had to do that anyways. Maybe we have luck to find Lillie and Gladion there." Ash said
"But Ash won't it give away your identity?" Grace asked.
"Don't worry Grace. Kukui and his wife Burnet are like my parents. They already know everything." Ash assured her.
Ash went over to the videophone and called the professor. Soon the professor picked up.
"Hello Greg." The professor said.
"Hello professor. You can call me Ash. I'm at Serena's house." Ash replied.
"Professor who is calling?" A voice asked from behind.
"I think I should go. Lillie and Gladion are here I guess." Kukui replied
"Professor, its okay. If its only the two of them let them join." Ash replied.
Kukui went to see that only Lillie and Gladion were there. He called them to join the call.
"Professor who is this?" Gladion asked. Ash removed his hood and mask to reveal himself.
"Aa..ash" Lillie stuttered.
"Yep its me" "pika" Ash and Pikachu waved.
"We are really sorry Ash. We couldn't help in any way." Lillie and Gladion said.
"Its okay guys. Anways I would like you to meet someone special." He said and called Serena and Grace to the call.
"Lillie, Gladion meet my gorgeous girlfriend Serena and her mother Grace. Grace, Honey meet my friends from Alola, Lillie and Gladion Aether." Ash introduced everyone.
"Wow so you're the one. I must say Serena you look really pretty." Lillie exclaimed. Serena blushed and said thank you.
"Nice to meet you." Gladion added.
"So how was the funeral?" Ash asked.
"Well it was all the same. Don't worry, your mom got a great goodbye." Kukui replied.
"Well two things was weird." Lillie said.
"And that is?" Ash asked curious.
"Well one thing is your rival Alain confessed on cheating in the Kalos League finals against you." Serena gasped but Ash didn't seem that surprised.
"So Sean was right again." Ash thought out loud.
"Who is that?" Gladion asked.
"Oh forget that. He was a friend who admired me a lot. He had told me that Alain must have cheated to beat me but I waved him off. Looks like his craziness was right." Ash lied.
"What was the other thing?" Serena asked seeing Ash uncomfortable with the topic of Sean.
"Well after your mother was buried, Professor Oak's grandson Gary took a bag and left saying you are not dead and he was going to find you." Kukui replied.
"That guy knows me too well." Ash replied with a big smile. "Gladion you have got your competition for being stubborn believe me. We knew each other since we were in diapers. I dare say he knows me as well as mom and Serena." Ash replied shocking all others.
'Glad to know you believe me Gary. I know I can't hide from you for long.' Ash thought.
"So Ash when are you returning? I bet the Tapus aren't gonna choose the elites." Gladion asked shifting topics.
"Well the league has chosen you. I'll be there in some months. I gotta train and have some business here." Ash replied.
"Hey Lillie, thanks for the gift. It's really pretty." Serena said.
"Oh don't mention it. I'm glad you like it." Lillie replied.
"Do you know what pokemon is gonna hatch from that egg?" Ash asked excited.
"Same old Ash." Lillie said and all of them shared a laugh. "Well it will either be a Litten or an Alolan Vulpix."
"How are you so sure?" Ash asked.
"Well its Snowy's egg after all." Lillie replied. Ash was shocked,
"What?!! Why did you send it to us then?"
"Well, I figured it would be a good gift for Serena. Snowy didn't have a problem. And besides, the father is there with you."
"What do you mean?"
"Ash remember when we were talking on the beach with Brock after training?"
"How could I forget that?" Ash replied.
"Well, me and Brock had noticed that Snowy and your Incineroar liked each other. When we were talking about Serena, they both left and got busy. Snowy didn't mind because her child will be with the father." Lillie replied calmly.
"Wow! Well I don’t mind. Thank Snowy on behalf of both of us." Ash said and Serena agreed. Grace left the call to do some work. Ash, Serena, Lillie, Gladion and Kukui kept talking. Lillie and Serena started fashion talk in between leaving the males bored. Soon the talk shifted to serious topics. Ash and Serena told them about the plans that they were going to execute against Palermo, getting some shocked looks from Lillie and Kukui because Ash thought of something like this. Meanwhile Gladion was glad. Being the dark type specialist, sinister plans pleased him.
"Hey Ash, Sophocles moved to Hoenn." Lillie said out of the blue. Ash's expression changed to an angered one and he clenched his fists. Serena saw this and held his hand calming Ash down. Ash took a deep breath and replied.
"Stay away from that fat idiot. Ask the others to do so too. But don't be too far away. Talk to him normally. Why I say this is because he was among the betrayers." Ash said angrily. All the three others gasped. "Sorry for bringing that up Ash. But don't worry we are always with you." Lillie said and changed the topic. The topic then shifted to battles. Serena said she wanted to watch all of Ash's Alola league battles but couldn't since they were not recorded due to the circumstances. Gladion made a comment that it is not something for the fainted hearted performers earning a smack on the head from Lillie and getting the recommendation to watch the Team Flare crisis recordings. He then realized and apologized to Serena. Time passed by and they decided to end the call.
"Alright then, the news will be out tomorrow. Don't be shocked." Ash said.
"Goodbye, Greg Paris and Alice Gabena." They said and cut the call. Ash and Serena had dinner and went to bed early, since they were going to start their journey tomorrow.


Our Ashy Boy has grown up.  Stay tuned for more updates. all are loving it.

Stand By Me (An Amourshipping Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora