Chapter 7:- Beginning of the Doom

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Hey guys so the prologue is set now.
Before we start, a huge shootout to Hall143 .
You will find some similarities in the next few chapters to his book A New Beginning.
Also the next few chapters will be kinda big. But you will surely enjoy them since we have a lot happening.
Anyways so with that out of the way let's get started.

Narrator's P.O.V

The Sun was shining brightly in the skies of Kanto. But shining brighter than anything in the entire region were the smiles in the faces of two individuals. A certain raven haired boy and his trusty electric rodent and partner Pikachu. They both were running along the road to their home. They stopped when they reached a cliff.

"Wow Pallet Town. Its still the same as ever. Right Buddy." Ash asked his yellow mouse.

"Pika" he nodded.

"It was a great day today buddy. First we met Brock and he finally got a girlfriend. I'm so happy for him. Then we met Pidgeot and she decided to join me and forgave me so quickly. I'm so glad that I have such great friends."

Pikachu smiled widely at this.

"Well I dont know about you but I really miss mom's cooking. And when I tell her about this news, I wanna see her reaction. Her Ashy ain't little anymore. "

Pikachu shook his head in disagreement.

"What??? You think I'm still a kid?"

"Pika." He nodded

"Fine then no ketchup for you. Kids don't have money right?"

Pikachu was shocked at this and got very worried. He jumped on Ash's shoulder and started licking his cheek.

"Ow.. stop that tickles. Fine I'll give you ketchup okay?" Pikachu stopped after this and smiled.

"Anyways race ya home buddy."

They both were about to start running when suddenly an Absol jumped in their path, looked at them and then ran off.

"Well that was weird. Absol is native to Hoeen. What was it doing here?" Ash questioned.

Pikachu started sinckering at this.

"Hey I wasn't thinking about her" Ash retorted but Pikachu gave him an 'I-never-said-so' look.

"Hmph. Wanna talk about your crush on Sylveon." Ash smirked.

Pikachu blushed at this. Just like that they kept arguing and then raced home.

But what the didn't know was that Absol was there to give them a warning. Its not known as a disaster pokemon for nothing.

(Time Skip)

Ash P.O.V

Me and Pikachu started to race home and as always he used quick attack and won.
"No fair buddy you always use pokemon moves to win." I said. Pikachu gave me a look which said he didn't do anything wrong." Someday I will win this race." I said as I caught my breath.

"Mom I'm home." I shouted as I entered the house expecting a bone crushing hug. But to my surprise I didn't recieve it. "MOM" I shouted but didn't get a response.' Well this is weird she never goes shopping at this time of the day.' I thought. There was an eerie silence and all the lights were turned off. This made me tense. As I approached the kitchen, I felt something wet on my feet. When I looked down, I saw blood and gasped. When I followed the trail, I saw a sight that shook me to the core. My mom, the one who gave me life, who raised me alone and looked after me all the time and supported me even though I stayed home very less was lying on the ground, stabbed on the chest. I quickly ran upto her. My hands and clothes were covered in blood, but I didnt care.

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