"No...no....no...you can't do this to me...hiba...please....don't do this to me..."He cried shaking her body, but she wasn't responding.

"Doctor.....doctor...."He shouted going out of the room to call the doctor. "Doctor."He shouted, looking so distressed.

"Excuse me sir,who are you looking for?"a nurse coming out from a room asked and he sighed rubbing his face with hands.

"Dr.Muhammad Najdiy."he answered the nurse and she nodded directing him to the doctor's office.

The nurse entered and told him to wait outside,she talked to the doctor and he came out to meet with Ridwan.

"Are you okay Mr. Auwal."the doctor asked with his Arabian English accent.

"My wife....she.....she"

"It's s okay let me go check up on her."he said and they went back to where his wife was admitted.

The doctor entered alone and asked Ridwan to wait for him outside.

The doctor checked her pulses, he checked everything and she wasn't breathing. She was already dead.

"May her gentle soul rest in jannatul Firdaus."the doctor prayed and closed the dead body with the white blanket and left to convey the news to her husband.

. _________________ .


27TH , SEPTEMBER, 2019.

9:23 AM.

He wasn't sure if he was supposed to smile or not, because here he is just arriving in Nigeria together with his dead wife. His family, his whole family were there waiting for him to come.

He wanted to form a smile when he saw his mother, but all in vain. He ran to her and hugged her with his father soothing him by reciting du'a for his dead wife.

"She's gone mom, I will never see her again...."his mother looked up at him and cleaned his tears, she used her other hand to signal the rest of the family to come closer.

"My son, you are a strong man, and you shouldn't be crying she need your prayer and our prayers too. She is gone now and we can never bring her back, but we will never forget her and most especially her good deeds.

She was a very honest lady and a good wife too, I always see her like my own daughter, I have never had any problem with her....."Ummi stopped and sniffed back her tears.

"She never gets angry, whenever I see her she will flash me her million dollar smile and say ' Ah Ah ummi when will you get raheenah married neh wai ' I will just smile and say ' when the right time comes I will get her married ' and all this while she was never destined to see raheenah married.

O Allah, forgive her and elevate her station among those who guided. Send her along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and her, enlarge her grave and shed light upon her, and insha Allah she is in a better place you don't need to cry Ridwan, I know its hard to forget her because you too have become so close that you are inseparable, and I know that your love for her will never die."

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