"Hm, You're home early," I say, walking over to him.

He nodded once, "I am." and walked past me and towards the kitchen. I followed him and watched as he popped a painkiller in his mouth. Okay, way to give me the cold shoulder.

"Solve drugs with drugs I guess," I mumble. He turned to look at me and rolled his eyes, pushing past me and towards the stairs.

"And that was uncalled for." I hiss, following him, "We need to talk you and I."

"About?" He asked uninterested; continuing to walk and not even bothering to look at me.

"The hickey?" I state obviously.

He paused momentarily before continuing to walk, "What about it." He grumbled lowly.

"Well don't you want to talk about what happened, and, you know? Clear the air?" We were on the second floor now and he was making his way towards his room. "Because at this moment we are both wondering the same thing."

"Are we? It was a dare and that was it, no feelings no nothing" he said, "Now go away." His pace seemed to increase, walking faster towards the door which I was not allowed past.

"No, you were my first kiss and I would like it if-" he cut me off me stopping in his tracks which caused me to bump into his back and stumble backward. He turned around, nostrils flaring.

I've upset the beast! Hide your kids he may go crazy!

"This right here-." He flipped the hair from my shoulder, revealing the purple mark on my neck, "and what happened last night was a drugged up mess. I didn't mean it, you didn't mean it, now don't bring it up again or I swear to god-" he didn't finish his sentence before slamming his bedroom door shut and leaving me there speechless.

Of course, he was angry for no reason, what was I expecting? A hungover monster is what he is. I groaned in frustration, turning around to see Sam emerge from his room. It looked like he had just witnessed all that by the look on his face.

I huffed and crossed my arms. "What," I growl.

He nervously smiled and slowly backed away into his room again, shutting the door behind him. I roll my eyes and decided I didn't want to be locked away in my room all day. Instead, I returned downstairs and figured out a way to keep busy. The girls were slowly waking up and so were the guys. I grabbed them all some painkillers and waters to help with their headaches, which they all gladly took. Then the girls ubered home and the guys retreated to their rooms for some better sleep. I figured they had no work today and would treat it as a lazy day.

Good, they need to sleep off last night before I really see everyone's hungover state. Currently, I know Corey and Colby are grumpy, or Corey is just a Debby Downer, but Colby's defiantly annoyed easily or I was just pushing a conversation that didn't' need to be discussed.. Nah I think he's just being a bitch.

I needed to do some hard labor to release my frustration. I find Maurice and ask him if there was a bookcase anywhere in the house, which there was. He guided me to a nice room that had a desk and a tall bookcase that reached from one end of the wall to the other. How had I just looked past this place? I stare at it in awe, so many books, books I have probably never even seen. Well, I think I found my new favorite room.

I thank Maurice and he leaves the room but not before asking what I was going to do. I explained that this bookshelf required some reorganizing and I was very bored.. And frustrated, but left that part out for obvious reasons.

I stared at the tall structure for a second before getting to work. Maurice graciously put on some music for me as I began removing the books and placing them around the room in different spots based on their genre. Then I found some tags to label the bookshelf with so I could remember the genre. That took a little over an hour and a half to do, and then I was onto the next step. I spread out the books one genre at a time and put them in alphabetical order, placing them on a shelf while I did that. By the time I reached my 3rd hour, I was sweating and tired but continued to organize while I sang and danced around to the music. It felt good to let loose a little with no one around. And organizing is very therapeutic for me, it gives my mind something t focus on.

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