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Vanessa's POV:

“Vanessa, I want to tell you something” Dante said gaining everyone's attention but mine.


I was still devouring my food. It was sizzling grilled chicken fajitas.


It was made perfectly, but I like my food extra spicy. The chef did a good job but if it were me I would have added more chicken and made it extra spicy.


I'm not saying it is not good. It is. For normal people. But I'm not normal. I like my food extra spicy. I will still devour it because it's FOOD!


There's no better feeling in the world than a warm food in front of you calling you out to eat it.

Here goes the food in my tummy.

It is pure bliss.

“VANESSAAAAA” I jumped as I heard yelling in my ear.

“What the hell you freaking fucktards!” I hissed rubbing my ear.

“We have been calling you for almost ten minutes. What were you thinking about?” Nicolo asked curiously as he didn't just yelled in my ear.

“I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they have some great ideas.” I said because I wanted to freak him out.

“I hope no one ever finds out” I whispered but make sure for all of them to heard it.

“Vanessa? Are you okay?” Lorenzo asked nervously.

“I'll let you know when I figure it out” I said looking at him creepily making him chuckle nervously.

“So what was very important that you had to scream in my ears?” I scowled.

“Dante was saying that he wants to tell you something.” Nicolo said cheekily.

“Of course he wants to” I said and looked at my food longingly.

“So, you want to tell me what?” I asked Dante.

“Well, I would like to tell you that I have decided to make an appointment for you with a therapist to help you. I-” Dante said, but I cut him off with
“Come again bitch?”

“I was saying-” He started to say, but I cut him again.

No! I am not angry. I'm just having some fun. If these little things starts to make me angry I wouldn't be the Queen.

“I know what you said. I may be crazy but crazy is better than stupid.” I scoffed making him irritated.

“ I am doing this for your health. Yo-” I cut him off again since it's a real disrespect to a capo.

“I already have my own therapist. I don't need you to find me someone else.” I said shrugging.

“You have?” Nicolo asked.

Lost In The DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora