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Vanessa's Pov:

“That little kiss you stole, it held my heart and soul And like a deer in the headlights, I meet my fate
Don't try to fight the storm, you'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you.” I sang whispering and open the main door and walked in my ‘Home’.

It is thirty past six and Damien dropped us all at our places.

We binged watched Lucifer after 4 episodes of the Big Bang Theory.

Damien and Emma ended up having a pillow fight and I recorded them secretly with Lucas cracking at the insults they both were throwing at each other.

I would never accept it in front of them, but I had fun.

“And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you
The life may leave my lungs, but my heart will stay with you” I continued singing and walked into the living room.

“Oh God! You're finally home. I was so worried about you.” Armano came and engulfed me in a bear hug making me confused.

“But I did inform Nicolo.” I said blankly making his eyes wide, and he turned to face Nicolo glaring.

“Oh you Son of a motherless goat! You're so dead. I am mad Nicolo.” Armano hissed and ran towards Nicolo.

“Chuck it in the fuck it bucket and move on!” Nicolo shouted while running away from Armano.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked confused.

“We all have been worried about where you were since you did not come back home. We asked Nicolo, and He said he knows nothing ” Vincenzo said shaking his head.

“The wheel's spinning, but the hamster is dead.” I breathe out making Vincenzo chuckle.

“So, where were you?” Angelo asked nicely as I sprawled on the couch.

I raised an eyebrow but answered sarcastically “I was in no men's land with Emma and Damien”

“And here I thought we had progress after pranking people” Angelo said rolling his eyes.

“Both of you hold your horses! That's enough” I yelled to the wrestling idiots.

“But he's being an asshole” Armano said.

“I am not an asshole. I'm a haemorrhoid. I irritate assholes” Nicolo said but yelp as Armano kneed him.

“The mondayest Tuesday ever” I said.

“Vanessa? Can I talk to you? Alone?” Lorenzo said nervously.

One sentence from him that stopped Nicolo and Armano from wrestling.

“Sure.” I said and get up.

He looked nervous as we both headed to the kitchen.

“What is it?” I asked blankly.

“I- I a-m”

“Spit it out already!” I scowled making him more nervous.

“I am sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I was an asshole to you because I wanted you to hate me. I don't know why. I thought if you hated me then It wouldn't hurt me if I ever disappointed you. I'm sorry for not being a brother that you deserve. I'm sorry.  You don't know how guilty this makes me. I don't deserve to be your brother. You were right. Blood doesn't make you family. Family is always there for you. Always standing behind you and I did nothing. I don't deserve to be called your family. I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me and give me another chance even though I don't deserve it. I'm sorry because I'm your big brother and I wasn't better at it, but now I'll try my best.” He said looking deep into my eyes which tells me he means everything he said. He wiped the tear that escaped his eyes and looked at me waiting for me to say something, anything but he didn't want me to be quiet.

I sighed and spoke “You see, I never hated you even though I wanted to smash your head because of your sexist comments, but I never hated you. I just found you an annoying, arrogant and self-centered jerk who pretend like he doesn't care about anything around him but in reality is screaming silently for help. I knew from the moment I met you that you were going through some shit but no one around you realized. But I did. I can easily tell when someone is going through some shit because I had been there. So, I knew it was your self-preservation that made you like this. But advice from someone who knows about this, I will say, don't bottle your feelings up because in the end those bottle up feelings will destroy you from inside” I said and patted his shoulder.

“I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. Don't make me regret it” I said making him smile through teary eyes.

“Thank you! Thank you so so much! I will prove you that I am worthy of being your brother. You are amazing and the strongest person I know ” He said and embraced me. He pulled away after realizing what he had done.

“You all can come out. The show has ended.” I said and the four looked like they got caught doing something they shouldn't have.

“Do you have eyes everywhere? How did you know?” Nicolo said.

“I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you” I said in attitude.

“Vanessa, Why don't you go and freshen up before the dinner? And a heads up, Dante will be pissing you off” Vincenzo said, and I sighed while the others look confused.

“Then I better go get ready. I need to look perfect when I'll be arguing.” I said and headed upstairs.

“You know you need a fix when you fall down
You know you need to find a way
To get you through another day
Let me be the one to numb you out
Let me be the one to hold you
Never gonna let you get away

The shoulder you cry on
The dose that you die on” I began to sing again while I head to the bathroom.

I headed to the closet after freshening up.

“I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer
You'll love me till it's all over, over
'Cause I'm the shoulder you cry on
The dose that you die on
I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer” I sang and a smile broke on my face as I thought about a blue-eyed boy.

I shook my thoughts off and changed into a black hoodie with ‘Queen’ written on it. It reached just above my knees. I put my hairs into a messy bun and sighed.

It's going to be an amazing dinner!


A/N: Here is another chapter for you guys❤ Enjoy Lovelies! You all are best❤❤

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