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Vanessa's Pov:

I'm so stupid. How could I have let my anger control me. I was not supposed to lose my temper.

You are the one not taking your medicines, so you're the one to blame!

I screamed and told them about my past. I wasn't supposed to fucking spill my problems. I was supposed to go through the day alone grieving.

I'm seriously messed up.

My thinking was cut short from my mobile ringing.

I quickly answered it without looking at the caller ID so that Nicolo, who's sleeping on my bed like he owns it, gets disturbed.

“Hello?” I said.

“Boss, You have a really important meeting that you have to attend. It's with the Russians. They want to form allies” Said the guy on the other line and who I recognize as Roman.

“What's up with them? They know we don't form any allies with anyone.” I whispered.

“Maybe they are thinking that they can convince us” Roman said.

“What about our spies in the Russian Mafia? Do they know anything?” I asked.

“Our spies are equally shocked, and they just informed us that they want to form allies so that Russian Mafia will be the only one that had allies with the Tempest Queen.” Roman informed me.

“I'll be at the warehouse in an hour.” I said and hung up.

I took out my mobile and texted in the group.


I have a meeting with the leader of the Russian Mafia. I will send you the details and I want Damien to hack the cameras of the restaurant to make sure my face is not revealed.


On it boss!


Emma, I want you to make sure that it's not a trap. You surround the restaurant with our snipers and if they try anything. Shoot.


Yes Donna!


I'm heading to the warehouse. I'll tell Nicolo that I'm going out with you two.
So, be prepared.

I checked the time, and it was ten past six.

I get out of the bed and freshened up.

I then went to my closet and changed my outfit.

I then went to my closet and changed my outfit

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                      ^Her outfit^

I then walked towards my bed and sighed.

“Nicoló wake up” I said.

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