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Vanessa's pov

“Who lives in a pinneapple under the sea?
(Spongebob Squarepants)
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he?
(Spongebob Squarepants)
If nautical nonsense be something you wish?
(Spongebob Squarepants)
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish
(Spongebob Squarepants)” Armano and Nicolo sang loudly making me cringe.

“You both are like a haemorrhoid, a pain in the ass who won’t go away.” I scowled at them.

“It's not our fault that you're not spilling. What happened today?” Nicolo asked wiggling his eyebrows.

“If I tell you, will you both go away and won't come back?” I huffed.

“Yes. Now S-P-I-L-L” Armano squealed excitedly.

“I asked him out on a date” I spilled.

“Aahhhh” Nicolo and Armano squealed like the girls they are.

“You asked him out on a date?” Nicolo said.

“More like stated” I whispered, but they also heard it.

“What do you mean?” Armano asked.

“I just told him to be ready on Saturday and that it's a date.” I told them and their jaw was on the floor.

“The romance novels that I read…it's the same, but the guy is who state that. I'm so going to tell your love stories to my grandkids” Armano and Nicolo squealed.

“Shut up” I scowled, but they just grinned at me.

Knock Knock

“Come in” We three shouted as we heard the knock.

Both Armano and Nicolo instead of doing something productive just lays in my room, gossips and spends their time with me.

The door open and Vincenzo came in.

“You two seriously need to give her space like I don't want her to inherit anything from both of you.” Vincenzo said making Nicolo roll his eyes.

“When you roll your eyes like that I assume that you're looking into your mind for an adequate response and coming up empty.” I said making him pout.

“You need to teach me where you made these comebacks from” Armano asked.

“You need a brain for that, and it's a talent.” I said and Nicolo snickered but Armano didn't catch the insult.

“Vincenzo? Is there something you want?” I asked as to know why he was here.

“Yeah. I came here to inform the three of you that our cousins are coming for dinner.” Vincenzo informed but Nicolo and Armano groaned after listening.

Vincenzo shook his head and left.

“Why are you both groaning? They can't be as bad as you all” I snickered, and they glared at me.

“It's not the cousins we are groaning about. It's their stepsister. I hate that piece of shit.” Nicolo said.

“How many cousins do we have and stepsister?” I asked.

“We have only 3 cousins and one stepsister. The Uncle married again after the death of our aunt. His wife is amazing but her daughter she gets on everyone's fucking nerve.” Armano scowled and shuddered in disgust just by thinking about her.

“I don't care how she is until she messes with me” I shrugged.

“That would be a perfect show” Armano giggled.

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