so we're trapped?!

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We were at the farm with Alamos, and by the looks of dad and his body language he was still annoyed, and so is Mitch, I don't blame them, I was going to...ask out Fiery.....I know she may not like me vary much, but I guess she's a bit like....a fire lily in the swamps.

I also was going to help dad with mom, Mitch and Doty,and the love triangle involving Alamos' daughter Meada, Sonsho the dragon prince, and Angie kit and Marshie's other daughter.

I heard dad talking to Alamos about home, guess dads thinking of mom, we headed off to meet up with the a holes, as far as I'm concerned they can screw off.

I know Julica came because she wanted to help, but me, dad, and Mitch had a plan to go to the dragon war, not be stuck here for a day!

I still have so much pent up anger after the stupid king insulted my brother!

~a day ago~

"Can someone lead the blind man and boy back to the castle since they are useless with-"

"Shut the hell up you selfish heartless son of a-"

~in our time~

We had returned to the castle with its crumbling walls and filthy structure, we managed to get through past the many mage's, I am not going to forgive either of these crap sacks.

It had just become night, and everyone was yelling, dad told the d head brothers they said to get here by night, every one was still talking, then Richie got to the bad news.

"There's no way back."hearing those words was like a lightning strike, scaring my heart, theres no way for us to go home!?

"we're leaving!"dad took my hand and my brothers arm, and we were geting throu gh the crowd, everything started to spin, and the voices began to echo, then i lost it when everyone was calling us back.

"WE WERE FUCKING FORCED TO COME ALONG WHEN WE HAD A DRAGON WAR TO GO AND FIGHT AND YOUR SAYING WE CAN'T GO HOME!?"everyone was in shock because of how loud i was, i felt the sting of tears trying to come through.

"technically you two were thrown throu-"

"SCREW THIS!"i ran to the door and smashed it down! my transformation magic is still active and i turned into a wyvern and flew to the edge of the forest before turning back and crashing to my knees, crying as loud as i could.

i took the amulet out of my pocket and hoped i could talk to my gild and family what i saw made things so much worse, but i saw mom with Jula and Fiery, Jula had blood on her face.......and a bucket of bloody flower pedals..... and Fiery had.....slits on her, no NO!


Mitch and i ran after our gild master, viper said we will meet up later, probably at the local bar!the four of us have our mistress's to get back to! mine being Lidia, a half spirit slayer, and slayer of my heart if she doesn't like me the same way.

Mitch and i ran after our gild master, viper said we will meet up later, probably at the local bar!the four of us have our mistress's to get back to! mine being Lidia, a half spirit slayer, and slayer of my heart if she doesn't like me the same way

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i'm guessing she might have gone to the bay to clear her head, that's where she and Fiery always trained back home.

she is right though, it's all because of Richie's father is the reason we are trapped here!

i really hope Lilly didn't get into trouble with any one, witch reminds me i hope Meada handles her dad being trapped here better than anything.


"so, my gild is basically falling to hell?"i managed to breath as mom explained the kayos that has happened, Lilly was attacked by a member of divines, Fiery is depressed, Jula has the hanahaki, Doty is stuck with family struggles, and theres a new mage who is struggling with his magic!

then things went on a sad turn for me, i need to get home, now!

"when are you coming home again?"mom doesn't know how much i want to go home, i just broke down, sobbing and crying.

"I'm so sorry!"i sobbed as i felt my life fall apart, mom was trying to calm me down but i couldn't.

"i never should have promised that it wouldn't be that long! theres no way home!"i was a mess, then the connection was failing."mom?" then it ended, i tried to breath and calm down, but there wasn't much use, out of the corner of my blurry eyes, i saw a small lizard creature, i turned to see, a small poison dragon.

"mom?" then it ended, i tried to breath and calm down, but there wasn't much use, out of the corner of my blurry eyes, i saw a small lizard creature, i turned to see, a small poison dragon

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