"I'll be waiting for the moment I can rip him apart." He muttered.

"What about Sam?" I asked quietly. It didn't matter what he'd done; I still didn't want him to die.

"If it's really him, he'll face plenty of charges, but I don't know what yet. I would never be able to kill him, though." He said softly. I nodded in agreement.

"Do you have prisons?" I asked, though I knew it was a dumb question.

"Yes, we do, but they aren't pleasant. The trials are very simple and straightforward. Healer's can tell truth from fiction about 90 percent of the time, so each one is quick and accurate." He said, eyes looking distant. He cursed under his breath, a look of annoyance crossing his face.

"Jansen is heading over here. He's on the phone with someone and they're talking about how you ran out. Our story is that you fell asleep while watching the movie and you had a nightmare that our master was going to find us and take us back." He muttered, looking annoyed. I nodded in understanding. I wanted nothing more than to just hug him so that I could provide comfort to him, and receive it myself. I didn't want to think about what Sam was doing.

"Wait, you can't say that. Remember that you told me to say hello to my imaginary friend?" I said. He huffed.

"That's right. I'll come up with something. Just let me do the explaining." He said. Again, I nodded.

"Oliver? Kira?" Jansen asked, appearing from behind the corner moments later. I jumped slightly, and Oliver turned quickly to look at him.

"Jansen? What are you doing here?" Oliver asked. I sniffled on cue, though I still felt my eyes burning.

"What's wrong? I should be asking the two of you why you're out here at 8 O' clock at night while it's freezing cold outside." Jansen said, eyeing me carefully.

"None of your business." Oliver said, giving him a death glare.

"I get you're angry about the whole Axel and Harvey being vampires thing, but I'm still your superior." Jansen looked guilty about playing that card, and for a moment, the two boys had a silent stare off, but finally, Oliver relented.

"Let's take Kira back to the apartments, then I'll talk to you about it in private." He said, sounding defeated. Jansen glanced to me.


It was a short walk back, but it was quiet and awkward. Jansen kept shooting me worried looks and Oliver kept glaring at him for doing so. When we arrived I was relieved.

"Go on up and I'll be there in a couple of minutes." Oliver instructed with a gentleness that had Jansen's brows furrowing. I bit my lip; I wanted to hear what they were going to say.

"I don't want to be alone." I lied nervously.

"Okay, just go inside the door and wait for me. You can see us and we can see you." He said calmly. I did as I was told, watching them while focusing on listening.

"So what happened?" Jansen asked. Oliver rubbed his face and sighed, looking at me briefly.

"She gets freaked out," He said with a huff, "She's always paranoid, and panics easily," He gave Jansen a pleading look. "I don't want this to go around all of Fight, so can you keep this between us?" He asked.

"I-" Jansen hesitated. "I have to at least tell my dad. He's already suspicious of you both for no reason." He said. Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"Then why'd he let us join Fight?"

"To keep a closer eye on you. Why'd she even start panicking?" Jansen asked, being sure to not look at me.

"We were watching this movie called Taken, and the dad tracks down these people who kidnapped his daughter. Out of nowhere she sort of jumped and, maybe it's my fault-" Oliver huffed, glanced back at me, then leaned in to whisper, "She sometimes talks to herself and usually I tease her about it, but when I did tonight, she just snapped. By the time I got her to calm down enough to talk she was convinced that our old master was going to find us and take us back." Oliver groaned and rubbed his face, "I shouldn't have let her watch that movie."

Pure Blood (Book two of the Blood Series)Where stories live. Discover now