"I'm sorry Clarke. The symptoms you are experiencing from the chloroform should ease off soon."

I couldn't believe it, I refused to believe it. But when I looked up into those familiar green eyes and saw Lexa staring back at me with a look of pain and sympathy, I knew it was true.  Lexa was responsible.

Knowing I had put so much of my trust into someone who would do something so terrible to me made me sick. Not as sick as the chloroform though, which caused me to lean forward and throw up. I felt hands move my hair out of my face but that was the last thing I remember before I passed out again. When I woke up 20 minutes later, I felt much better and was surprised to find myself in warm clean clothes, lying down comfortably in a small bed.


I turned to my left and spotted Ontari, seated in a bed across the room from me. That's when I realized where we were. Lexa and I's old dorm room. It was clear that the fire from last week had done a lot of damage to the room, but it was still recognizable to me.

"What the hell happened Ontari?"

"I don't know Clarke, but this is not looking good. The windows are boarded up and the door is locked. We are trapped here."

Even though I believed what Ontari had said, something within me made me feel the need to check for myself. I noticed the windows were in fact boarded up, and when I tried to pull on them, they wouldn't budge at all. I then moved to the door, trying to pull it open but it was locked just as Ontari had said it was.

"Help!" I yelled as loud as I could, slamming my fists on the door. "Get us out!"

Logically I knew there was no way our disappearance could go unnoticed for very long by 2CA staff, but still I was terrified. Lexa was behind this somehow. She was there the first time I woke up. My mom was right when she warned me not to trust her. Lexa Woods clearly isn't who she says she is.

"There's no use in yelling Blondie. That door isn't coming open."

I turned to Ontari who was still sat on Lexa's bed, just watching me.

While my back was turned, the door opened and Lexa, Costia, Indra, and Anya all walked into the room, shutting the door behind them.

I quickly turned around and backed up next to Ontari, actually feeling quite terrified of the four women in front of us.

"Never mind." Ontari whispered. "I stand corrected."

"Clarke, Ontari, how are you two feeling?" Costia asked, watching the two of us carefully.

"I've been better." I mumbled bitterly.

"You two shouldn't have followed us." Lexa sighed, moving to take a step closer to me. I couldn't allow her any closer to me though, so when she moved forwards I took another step back.

"Get away from us Lexa."

"Clarke you don't understand, we are trying to help you. Everything I do is in your best interest."

"My best interest." I repeated. "Knocking us out with chloroform was in my best interest?!"

"Well not exactly but it was necessary. If we were right about you and well...we were Clarke, we had to make sure it was all true." Lexa tried to explain her thinking, but I was far beyond lost. I had no idea what she was talking about and I was scared to find out.

"Stop it Lexa, I'm not interested in what ever ridiculous story you think justifies the things you have done."

"Clarke you don't understand!" Lexa yelled, causing me to jump. She was scary when she did that, and with everything else she has put me through, I was feeling very uneasy already.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that." Lexa whispered, taking a step back, and giving Ontari and I more space as she moved to stand next to Costia, Indra and Anya again.

"How about we get Ontari out of here so we can start with background and then questions?" Indra suggested, but I didn't like the sound of that.

"You can't separate us."

"We can do whatever the hell we want Clarke. Ontari shouldn't hear this stuff, so she has to leave." Anya explained, but I wouldn't have it.

"I won't give you whatever it is you want from me if you separate us. Ontari is the only person here that I trust thanks to you four. She stays or I don't answer whatever questions you plan on asking me."

"Lexa you can't seriously be considering this."

"Costia think about it. What the hell are we going to do with Ontari anyways? If Clarke trusts her I do too."

"Are you sure Lexa? She's a criminal." Anya cut in.

"And what are we Anya? The good guys? Because it certainly doesn't feel like it right now."

There was a short silence after Lexa spoke until eventually Indra spoke up. "We will let you and Costia explain everything. Anya and I will go make sure no one wanders in here." With that, the two left the the room, closing the door behind them.

"I think we should just tell her." Costia shrugged, looking for Lexa to show her approval.

"Ok." Lexa nodded. "Clarke...you aren't a normal person."


Lexa looked me right in the eyes and spoke again, saying something I never could imagine anyone saying to me seriously.

"Clarke, you have superpowers."

It was a joke...it had to be. Or maybe Lexa was on drugs. But superpowers? I couldn't process it.

"And you also have a secret twin sister you didn't know about." Costia added, before Lexa could stop her. "Oh and did we mention we are secret government agents? "Costia asked casually.

"What?!" Onatri and I both chorused together.

"We have a lot to talk about." Lexa spoke, as both she and Costia moved to sit down on the bed across from us. 

"Lets start at the beginning."

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