Hoseok glanced in their direction. Jungkook walked out of the room without a word as he rubbed his swollen eyes. Jin followed the youngest with a worried gaze before getting up from the bed himself.

"I want coffee too." Hoseok raised his hand innocently.

"Make yours, then." Jin lets out a chuckle before following Jungkook outside.

Hoseok frowned at his response before turning to Jimin who was still trying to wake up Taehyung.

"Taehyung-ah, kaja." Jimin murmured sleepily.

Hoseok joined in to wake him up, carrying his body from the bed and forcing him to sit up which earned a childish whimper from Taehyung who itched the back of his head in annoyance.

Jungkook walked back inside their room, heading straight towards his phone on the bedside table. He checked his phone before huffing in disappointment before throwing his phone furiously on the bed. All three men stared at the youngest, as he walked back out of the room with a bitter face.

"Was I too much waking them up? Why does he look upset?" Hoseok asked worriedly.

Jimin sighed. "It's not you."

Hoseok furrowed his brows, worried he might have offended Jungkook's feelings from rudely waking them up.

Jimin got up from the bed and rummaged through their vanity desk, retrieving his toothbrush and facial wash. Hoseok followed his movement before walking towards where the camera he was holding earlier.

"He spent all night on the phone with Iris-sunbaenim." Jimin murmured before stopping mid-way into the door. "Jin-hyung and I woke up to him crying when he got back in."

Hoseok had his mouth slightly agape in concern. Jimin made his way out of the room and headed straight to the other bathroom to wash up. Taehyung stood up from the bed and got his toothbrush from his suitcase.

"Didn't you wake up when he was crying?" Hoseok stopped Taehyung before he stepped out of the room.

"Who cried?" his deep voice sounded confused as he struggled to open his eyes.

Hoseok kept his eyes on Taehyung, shaking his head slightly, he waved his hand, motioning for Taehyung to continue walking and start his morning already. He then fixed the camera and made his way towards the dining area where all the members sat quietly, Yoongi had his hands around the coffee mug, warming himself from the heat radiating from it. Jungkook sat beside Yoongi with a sullen face, his eyes glued onto nothingness. Jungkook tends to not do well on rehearsals when he and Iris argue beforehand.

"This coffee is already cold." Jin complained as he stood behind the counter.

"That's mine!" Hoseok's eyes widened in surprise as Jin took another sip of his coffee.

Jin glanced at him with humor painted all over his face, his mouth trembled from hiding the cheeky grin forming his lips. He took another sip of the coffee before pushing it aside, watching Hoseok's surprised face and frozen frame in the middle of the kitchen. Jin lets out a soft chuckle before turning towards the coffee machine.

"I'll make you a new one then." Jin finally said.

"Want some coffee, Jungkook?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook stayed quiet, as if he didn't hear a thing. Jin glanced at them momentarily before getting back on making coffee. Yoongi shrugged before walking towards the porch in the kitchen, not making a big deal from Jungkook's indignant lack of response.

"Should we stop to get some pastries on the way to the stadium?" Hoseok asked.

Jungkook sat still. Jin gestured to let him be before agreeing with Hoseok as he served him the hot coffee he made. The two older members drank their coffee quietly as Jungkook walked out to get ready for their morning rehearsals.

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