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Hye-Ji was in a loop.

The never-ending loop that was her conversation with Taehyung.

Jennie had tried her best to distract her alongside Jimin but nothing took her attention away.

It had been a week after the power outage and the power was still not back. She had moved back to her room with Jennie and was currently watching the rain mix with the stream by her room.

The boys had gone out for some business which left the girls and Kookie.

Kookie was still unaware of the fact that Hye-Ji was in the house and had gotten closer to Jennie instead.

So the boy being in mind space decided to roam around the house knowing he was completely safe.


Hye-Ji and Jennie were in the kitchen making dinner when they heard a pair of footsteps in the dark.

"Noona?" The timid voice called out

Hye-Ji could not believe the male in front of her and the male vice versa.

They stared at each other for a while before Kookie spoke

"Noona? You came back?" She could vividly hear the fear, disbelief, and hurt in his words

"Jennie Noona, is she real?". He turned to look at the other female. Hye-Ji stood there frozen all the words she said flashing in her mind.

She carefully walked towards him and reached out to him making him flinch away.

"Jennie Noona, tell her to leave me alone. She doesn't love me."

"Kookie no, I didn't mean it, I missed you so much, and I'm so sorry I hurt you..." Tears had started to cascade down her cheeks making Kookie wipe them away.

"Why are you crying Noona? Don't cry please!" He wrapped his hands around her
Body bringing her closer to him.

" Y- You flinched away and I thought you-"

"I could never hate you," Jungkook said, this was no longer Kookie but he nevertheless hugged her tightly.

"So, what are we making?" He said after the female calmed down

"No, no, no, not we, us," Jennie replied making the male pout.

"Oh come on Jen, I can cook!"

"Said no one ever." Hye-Ji retorted.

"Ouch, I thought you had my back!"

"Trust me I do but even I know you're not good with cooking."

The male rolled his eyes and sat on the counter the only light illuminating the kitchen getting turn off by the breeze he made making the girls groan.

"I'll go get the matches," Hye-Ji said

"Be careful yeah?" The other two yelled behind her

"Will do!" She disappeared into the darkness of the house.

She walked her way to the storeroom and when she stepped out felt an off feeling.

Hye-Ji brushed it off but still felt the lingering feeling.

She decided to light one match only to be met with a face and a knife impaling her making her let out a piercing scream.


Jennie and Jungkook had been waiting for Hye-Ji so they could continue their meal when the boys came in making the two look at each other with wide eyes.

Taehyung walked in first going towards the kitchen with his phone flashlight on.

"Y'all are back early," Jungkook said

"Yeah... Wait. You're not in little space?!" Jimin screamed

"Oh yeah, I met someone..." He muttered making Taehyung dart his eyes to him.

Before he could speak a scream was heard making Jennie shout out Hye-Jis's name.

Yoongi ran towards the sound Jimin closely behind as they all split up.

Jimin was first to find her but she was not alone...

Hello! How are all of you, good I hope, Anywho I managed to write a chapter and I'll put in the gifs when I can because I had to rush through this chapter.

I have not been myself but I'll try to finish this up.

There are about 5-6 chapters left and I'm sad. I'm gonna miss this book!

Quote of the day: "If you never try, then you will never know the outcome! Take the first step to try it out so we can see the result ourselves."

-Huang Renjun

Stay safe wear a mask and respect the Covid guidelines, please. I love you all



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